CrackMapExec Module Library

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On this page you will find a comprehensive list of all CrackMapExec modules that are currently available in the latest public version (5.1.7dev) of CrackMapExec, one of the most capable tools for pentesting internal networks.

CrackMapExec (or CME) contains a number of modules which makes this tool so useful. I’m hoping that this list will help you navigate through all the modules more easily and gives you information on how to use them.


In the latest version of CME, there are 68 modules in total. These modules are all in the post exploitation category, complementing the CME’s powerful login brute force capabilities and password spraying attack features. On this page, however, you will find information only related to the modules.

If you are looking for how to use CrackMapExec in general, please check these excellent resources:

Below you can find the list of CME modules as shown while using the tool. CME currently supports the following network protocols:

  • LDAP (port 389 or 636) – 5 modules
  • MSSQL (port 1433) – 23 modules
  • SMB (port 135, 139 or 445) – 39 modules
  • SSH (port 22) – 1 module
  • WinRM (port 5985 or 5986) – 0 modules

Alright, let’s get to the actual lists. By clicking on the module links you will find detailed information about each module with examples on how to use it.

CME LDAP modules

Here’s a list of all CrackMapExec modules that can be used with LDAP protocol:

# cme ldap -L
[*] MAQ                       Retrieves the MachineAccountQuota domain-level attribute
[*] adcs                      Find PKI Enrollment Services in Active Directory
[*] get-desc-users            Get description of the users. May contained password
[*] laps                      Retrieves the LAPS passwords
[*] user-desc                 Get user descriptions stored in Active Directory

CME MSSQL modules

Here’s a list of all CrackMapExec modules that can be used with MSSQL protocol:

# cme mssql -L
[*] Get-ComputerDetails       Enumerates sysinfo
[*] empire_exec               Uses Empire's RESTful API to generate a launcher for the specified listener and executes it
[*] enum_chrome               Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Get-ChromeDump
[*] get_keystrokes            Logs keys pressed, time and the active window
[*] get_netdomaincontroller   Enumerates all domain controllers
[*] get_netrdpsession         Enumerates all active RDP sessions
[*] get_timedscreenshot       Takes screenshots at a regular interval
[*] invoke_sessiongopher      Digs up saved session information for PuTTY, WinSCP, FileZilla, SuperPuTTY, and RDP using SessionGopher
[*] invoke_vnc                Injects a VNC client in memory
[*] met_inject                Downloads the Meterpreter stager and injects it into memory
[*] mimikatz                  Dumps all logon credentials from memory
[*] mimikatz_enum_chrome      Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Mimikatz
[*] mimikatz_enum_vault_creds Decrypts saved credentials in Windows Vault/Credential Manager
[*] mimikittenz               Executes Mimikittenz
[*] mssql_priv                Enumerate and exploit MSSQL privileges
[*] multirdp                  Patches terminal services in memory to allow multiple RDP users
[*] netripper                 Capture's credentials by using API hooking
[*] pe_inject                 Downloads the specified DLL/EXE and injects it into memory
[*] rid_hijack                Executes the RID hijacking persistence hook.
[*] shellcode_inject          Downloads the specified raw shellcode and injects it into memory
[*] test_connection           Pings a host
[*] tokens                    Enumerates available tokens
[*] web_delivery              Kicks off a Metasploit Payload using the exploit/multi/script/web_delivery module

CME SMB modules

Here’s a list of all CrackMapExec modules that can be used with SMB protocol:

# cme smb -L
[*] Get-ComputerDetails       Enumerates sysinfo
[*] bh_owned                  Set pwned computer as owned in Bloodhound
[*] bloodhound                Executes the BloodHound recon script on the target and retreives the results to the attackers' machine
[*] empire_exec               Uses Empire's RESTful API to generate a launcher for the specified listener and executes it
[*] enum_avproducts           Gathers information on all endpoint protection solutions installed on the the remote host(s) via WMI
[*] enum_chrome               Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Get-ChromeDump
[*] enum_dns                  Uses WMI to dump DNS from an AD DNS Server
[*] get_keystrokes            Logs keys pressed, time and the active window
[*] get_netdomaincontroller   Enumerates all domain controllers
[*] get_netrdpsession         Enumerates all active RDP sessions
[*] get_timedscreenshot       Takes screenshots at a regular interval
[*] gpp_autologin             Searches the domain controller for registry.xml to find autologon information and returns the username and password.
[*] gpp_password              Retrieves the plaintext password and other information for accounts pushed through Group Policy Preferences.
[*] invoke_sessiongopher      Digs up saved session information for PuTTY, WinSCP, FileZilla, SuperPuTTY, and RDP using SessionGopher
[*] invoke_vnc                Injects a VNC client in memory
[*] lsassy                    Dump lsass and parse the result remotely with lsassy
[*] met_inject                Downloads the Meterpreter stager and injects it into memory
[*] mimikatz                  Dumps all logon credentials from memory
[*] mimikatz_enum_chrome      Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Mimikatz
[*] mimikatz_enum_vault_creds Decrypts saved credentials in Windows Vault/Credential Manager
[*] mimikittenz               Executes Mimikittenz
[*] multirdp                  Patches terminal services in memory to allow multiple RDP users
[*] netripper                 Capture's credentials by using API hooking
[*] pe_inject                 Downloads the specified DLL/EXE and injects it into memory
[*] rdp                       Enables/Disables RDP
[*] rid_hijack                Executes the RID hijacking persistence hook.
[*] runasppl                  Check if the registry value RunAsPPL is set or not
[*] scuffy                    Creates and dumps an arbitrary .scf file with the icon property containing a UNC path to the declared SMB server against all writeable shares
[*] shellcode_inject          Downloads the specified raw shellcode and injects it into memory
[*] slinky                    Creates windows shortcuts with the icon attribute containing a UNC path to the specified SMB server in all shares with write permissions
[*] spider_plus               List files on the target server (excluding `DIR` directories and `EXT` extensions) and save them to the `OUTPUT` directory if they are smaller then `SIZE`
[*] spooler                   Detect if print spooler is enabled or not
[*] test_connection           Pings a host
[*] tokens                    Enumerates available tokens
[*] uac                       Checks UAC status
[*] wdigest                   Creates/Deletes the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key enabling WDigest cred dumping on Windows >= 8.1
[*] web_delivery              Kicks off a Metasploit Payload using the exploit/multi/script/web_delivery module
[*] webdav                    Checks whether the WebClient service is running on the target
[*] wireless                  Get key of all wireless interfaces

CME SSH modules

Here’s a list of all CrackMapExec modules that can be used with SSH protocol:

# cme ssh -L
[*] mimipenguin               Dumps cleartext credentials in memory

CME WinRM modules

Here’s a list of all CrackMapExec modules that can be used with WinRM protocol:

# cme winrm -L

As you can see, there are currently no modules at this point.


CrackMapExec is still an actively maintained project with new features and more modules potentially coming in the future. I will do my best to keep this page updated, but if you find something is missing, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you find this list useful, please consider subscribing and following InfosecMatter on TwitterFacebook or Github to keep up with the latest developments. You can also buy me a coffee to support this website.

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