CrackMapExec Get-ComputerDetails (smb)

This page contains detailed information about how to use the Get-ComputerDetails CME module while using the smb protocol. For list of all CrackMapExec modules, visit the CrackMapExec Module Library.


This module executes PowerSploit's Get-ComputerDetails.ps1 script which enumerates information such as Explicit Credential Logons, Logon events, RDP Client Saved Servers etc.

The Get-ComputerDetails module is OPSEC safe. This means that it doesn't touch the disk and therefore shouldn't trigger any alarms.

Supported Protocols

  • mssql
  • smb

Module Source Code


Module Options

As you can see below, the Get-ComputerDetails module has one option:

# cme smb -M Get-ComputerDetails --options
[*] Get-ComputerDetails module options:

            INJECT   Use process injection method (default: False)

Note that this option is not required. If you want to change the default value, you can do so by appending -o INJECT=VALUE parameter to the command line.

Module Usage

This is how to use the Get-ComputerDetails module while using the smb protocol:

# cme smb <TARGET[s]> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -d <DOMAIN> -M Get-ComputerDetails

Local admin:
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M Get-ComputerDetails
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 --local-auth -M Get-ComputerDetails

Domain user:
# cme smb -u bkpadmin -p P@ss123 -d target.corp -M Get-ComputerDetails

CrackMapExec also supports passing the hash, so you can specify NTLM hash instead of a password:

# cme smb -u Administrator -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d . -M Get-ComputerDetails
# cme smb -u bkpadmin -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d target.corp -M Get-ComputerDetails
The Get-ComputerDetails module can be also used against multiple hosts. Here's how to run it against multiple hosts:

# cme smb target_list.txt -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M Get-ComputerDetails
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M Get-ComputerDetails
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M Get-ComputerDetails



This page has been created based on CrackMapExec version 5.1.7dev.
Visit CrackMapExec Module Library for more modules.