Invoke-BloodHound - Empire Module

This page contains detailed information about how to use the powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3 Empire module. For list of all Empire modules, visit the Empire Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: Invoke-BloodHound
Module: powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3
Source code [1]: empire/server/modules/powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3.yaml
Source code [2]: empire/server/data/module_source/situational_awareness/network/BloodHound3.ps1
Language: PowerShell
Needs admin: No
OPSEC safe: No
Background: Yes

The bloodhound3 module executes BloodHound data collection (ingestor for version 3).

This module runs in a foreground and is OPSEC unsafe as it writes on the disk and therefore could be detected by AV/EDR running on the target system.

Note that the bloodhound3 module does not need administrative privileges to work properly which means that a normal user can run this module.

Required Module Options

This is a list of options that are required by the bloodhound3 module:

Agent to run module on.

The method to collect data. Group, LocalGroup, LocalAdmin, RDP, DCOM, PSRemote, Session, SessionLoop, Trusts, ACL, Container, ComputerOnly, GPOLocalGroup, LoggedOn, ObjectProps, SPNTargets, Default, DcOnly, All.
Default value: Default.

Additional Module Options

This is a list of additional options that are supported by the bloodhound3 module:

Name for the cache file dropped to disk (default: unique hash generated per machine).

Collect all string LDAP properties on objects.

A file, /!\ ON THE HOST /!\, containing a list of computers to enumerate. This option can only be used with the following Collection Methods: Session, SessionLoop, LocalGroup, ComputerOnly, LoggedOn.

Disables keberos signing/sealing, making LDAP traffic viewable.

Specifies the domain to enumerate. If not specified, will enumerate the current domain your user context specifies.

Domain Controller to connect too. Specifiying this can result in data loss.

Dumps error codes from attempts to connect to computers.

Encrypt the zip file with a random password.

Exclude domain controllers from enumeration (usefult o avoid Microsoft ATP/ATA).

Invalidate and rebuild the cache file.

Add jitter to throttle.

Append this ldap filter to the search filter to further filter the results enumerated.

Password for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers.

Port LDAP is running on. Defaults to 389/686 for LDAPS.

Username for connecting to LDAP. Use this if you're using a non-domain account for connecting to computers.

Perform looping for computer collection.

Duration to perform looping (Default 02:00:00).

Interval to sleep between loops (Default 00:05:00).

Disable remote registry check in LoggedOn collection.

Don't write the cache file to disk. Caching will still be performed in memory.

Do NOT zip the json files.

Folder to output files to.

Prefix to add to output files.

Override username to filter for NetSessionEnum.

Timeout for SMB port checks.

Output "pretty" json with formatting for readability.

Randomize file names completely.

Overrides the DNS name used for API calls.

DistinguishedName to start LDAP searches at. Equivalent to the old --OU option.

Connect to LDAPS (LDAP SSL) instead of regular LDAP.

Skip SMB port checks when connecting to computers.

Interval for displaying status in milliseconds.

Use stealth collection options, will sacrifice data quality in favor of much reduced network impact.

Throttle requests to computers (in milliseconds).

Limits computer collection to systems that have an operatingssytem attribute that matches *Windows*.

Name for the zip file output by data collection.

Bloodhound3 Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the bloodhound3 module in the Empire client console:

[+] New agent Y4LHEV83 checked in
[*] Sending agent (stage 2) to Y4LHEV83 at
(empire usestager/windows/ducky) > usemodule powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3

 Author       @harmj0y                                                     
 Background   True                                                         
 Description  Execute BloodHound data collection (ingestor for version 3). 
 Language     powershell                                                   
 Name         powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3         
 NeedsAdmin   False                                                        
 OpsecSafe    False                                                        

,Record Options------------,---------,----------,-------------------------------------,
| Name                     | Value   | Required | Description                         |
| Agent                    |         | True     | Agent to run module on.             |
| CacheFilename            |         | False    | Name for the cache file dropped to  |
|                          |         |          | disk (default: unique hash          |
|                          |         |          | generated per machine).             |
| CollectAllProperties     |         | False    | Collect all string LDAP properties  |
|                          |         |          | on objects.                         |
| CollectionMethod         | Default | True     | The method to collect data. Group,  |
|                          |         |          | LocalGroup, LocalAdmin, RDP, DCOM,  |
|                          |         |          | PSRemote, Session, SessionLoop,     |
|                          |         |          | Trusts, ACL, Container,             |
|                          |         |          | ComputerOnly, GPOLocalGroup,        |
|                          |         |          | LoggedOn, ObjectProps, SPNTargets,  |
|                          |         |          | Default, DcOnly, All.               |
| ComputerFile             |         | False    | A file, /!\ ON THE HOST /!\,        |
|                          |         |          | containing a list of computers to   |
|                          |         |          | enumerate. This option can only be  |
|                          |         |          | used with the following Collection  |
|                          |         |          | Methods: Session, SessionLoop,      |
|                          |         |          | LocalGroup, ComputerOnly, LoggedOn. |
| DisableKerberosSigning   |         | False    | Disables keberos signing/sealing,   |
|                          |         |          | making LDAP traffic viewable.       |
| Domain                   |         | False    | Specifies the domain to enumerate.  |
|                          |         |          | If not specified, will enumerate    |
|                          |         |          | the current domain your user        |
|                          |         |          | context specifies.                  |
| DomainController         |         | False    | Domain Controller to connect too.   |
|                          |         |          | Specifiying this can result in data |
|                          |         |          | loss.                               |
| DumpComputerStatus       |         | False    | Dumps error codes from attempts to  |
|                          |         |          | connect to computers.               |
| EncryptZip               |         | False    | Encrypt the zip file with a random  |
|                          |         |          | password.                           |
| ExcludeDomainControllers |         | False    | Exclude domain controllers from     |
|                          |         |          | enumeration (usefult o avoid        |
|                          |         |          | Microsoft ATP/ATA).                 |
| InvalidateCache          |         | False    | Invalidate and rebuild the cache    |
|                          |         |          | file.                               |
| Jitter                   |         | False    | Add jitter to throttle.             |
| LdapFilter               |         | False    | Append this ldap filter to the      |
|                          |         |          | search filter to further filter the |
|                          |         |          | results enumerated.                 |
| LdapPassword             |         | False    | Password for connecting to LDAP.    |
|                          |         |          | Use this if you're using a non-     |
|                          |         |          | domain account for connecting to    |
|                          |         |          | computers.                          |
| LdapPort                 |         | False    | Port LDAP is running on. Defaults   |
|                          |         |          | to 389/686 for LDAPS.               |
| LdapUsername             |         | False    | Username for connecting to LDAP.    |
|                          |         |          | Use this if you're using a non-     |
|                          |         |          | domain account for connecting to    |
|                          |         |          | computers.                          |
| Loop                     |         | False    | Perform looping for computer        |
|                          |         |          | collection.                         |
| LoopDuration             |         | False    | Duration to perform looping         |
|                          |         |          | (Default 02:00:00).                 |
| LoopInterval             |         | False    | Interval to sleep between loops     |
|                          |         |          | (Default 00:05:00).                 |
| NoRegistryLoggedOn       |         | False    | Disable remote registry check in    |
|                          |         |          | LoggedOn collection.                |
| NoSaveCache              |         | False    | Don't write the cache file to disk. |
|                          |         |          | Caching will still be performed in  |
|                          |         |          | memory.                             |
| NoZip                    |         | False    | Do NOT zip the json files.          |
| OutputDirectory          |         | False    | Folder to output files to.          |
| OutputPrefix             |         | False    | Prefix to add to output files.      |
| OverrideUserName         |         | False    | Override username to filter for     |
|                          |         |          | NetSessionEnum.                     |
| PortScanTimeout          |         | False    | Timeout for SMB port checks.        |
| PrettyJSON               |         | False    | Output "pretty" json with           |
|                          |         |          | formatting for readability.         |
| RandomFilenames          |         | False    | Randomize file names completely.    |
| RealDNSName              |         | False    | Overrides the DNS name used for API |
|                          |         |          | calls.                              |
| SearchBase               |         | False    | DistinguishedName to start LDAP     |
|                          |         |          | searches at. Equivalent to the old  |
|                          |         |          | --OU option.                        |
| SecureLDAP               |         | False    | Connect to LDAPS (LDAP SSL) instead |
|                          |         |          | of regular LDAP.                    |
| SkipPortScan             |         | False    | Skip SMB port checks when           |
|                          |         |          | connecting to computers.            |
| StatusInterval           |         | False    | Interval for displaying status in   |
|                          |         |          | milliseconds.                       |
| Stealth                  |         | False    | Use stealth collection options,     |
|                          |         |          | will sacrifice data quality in      |
|                          |         |          | favor of much reduced network       |
|                          |         |          | impact.                             |
| Throttle                 |         | False    | Throttle requests to computers (in  |
|                          |         |          | milliseconds).                      |
| WindowsOnly              |         | False    | Limits computer collection to       |
|                          |         |          | systems that have an                |
|                          |         |          | operatingssytem attribute that      |
|                          |         |          | matches *Windows*.                  |
| ZipFilename              |         | False    | Name for the zip file output by     |
|                          |         |          | data collection.                    |

(Empire: usemodule/powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3) > set Agent Y4LHEV83
[*] Set Agent to Y4LHEV83
(Empire: usemodule/powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3) > set CollectionMethod Default
[*] Set CollectionMethod to Default
(Empire: usemodule/powershell/situational_awareness/network/bloodhound3) > execute
[*] Tasked Y4LHEV83 to run Task 1

Now wait for the results to come.



See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:


This page has been created based on Empire version 4.1.3 (BC Security Fork).
Visit Empire Module Library for more modules.