Oracle RDBMS Login Utility - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: Oracle RDBMS Login Utility
Module: auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login
Source code: modules/auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login.rb
Disclosure date: -
Last modification time: 2020-02-21 08:41:42 +0000
Supported architecture(s): -
Supported platform(s): -
Target service / protocol: -
Target network port(s): -
List of CVEs: CVE-1999-0502

This module attempts to authenticate against an Oracle RDBMS instance using username and password combinations indicated by the USER_FILE, PASS_FILE, and USERPASS_FILE options. Due to a bug in nmap versions 6.50-7.80 may not work.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. More information about ranking can be found here.

Basic Usage

This module is a scanner module, and is capable of testing against multiple hosts.

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login
msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > show options
    ... show and set options ...
msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > set RHOSTS ip-range
msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > exploit

Other examples of setting the RHOSTS option:

Example 1:

msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > set RHOSTS 

Example 2:

msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > set RHOSTS

Example 3:

msf auxiliary(oracle_login) > set RHOSTS file:/tmp/ip_list.txt

Required Options

  • RHOSTS: The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'

Knowledge Base

Vulnerable Application

This module attempts to authenticate against an Oracle RDBMS instance using username and password combinations indicated by the USER_FILE, PASS_FILE, and USERPASS_FILE options. The default wordlist is oracle_default_userpass.txt.

Default port for SQL*Net listener is 1521/tcp. If this port is open, try this module to login.


This module needs nmap 5.50 or above to function. However due to an nmap bug versions 6.50-7.80 may not work.

nmap -V
apt-get install nmap

In addition, if you encounter errors due to OCI libraries not being found, please see the How to get Oracle Support working with Kali Linux.

For Oracle Server, please follow the following guide.

Verification Steps

  1. Install Oracle Database server and metasploit components
  2. Start msfconsole
  3. Do: use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login
  4. Do: run



Try blank passwords for all users


How fast to bruteforce, scale of 0 to 5


Try each user/password couple stored in the current database


Add all passwords in the current database to the list to try


Add all users in the current database to the list to try


Display nmap output


Specify one password to use for all usernames


File of passwords, one per line.


Target hosts, range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'


Ports of the target


Instance (SID) to authenticate against. Default XE


Stop the bruteforce attack when a valid combination is found


Number of concurrent threads (max of one per host)


Specific username to try for all passwords


File of username and passwords, separated by space, one set per line. Default oracle_default_userpass.txt


Try the username as the password for all users


File containing usernames, one per line


Unfortunately due to the nmap bug mentioned above, it was not possible to create an example run.

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Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the scanner/oracle/oracle_login auxiliary module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/oracle/oracle_login) > show info

       Name: Oracle RDBMS Login Utility
     Module: auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Normal

Provided by:
  Patrik Karlsson <[email protected]>
  todb <[email protected]>

Check supported:

Basic options:
  Name              Current Setting                                                                          Required  Description
  ----              ---------------                                                                          --------  -----------
  BLANK_PASSWORDS   false                                                                                    no        Try blank passwords for all users
  BRUTEFORCE_SPEED  5                                                                                        yes       How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5
  DB_ALL_CREDS      false                                                                                    no        Try each user/password couple stored in the current database
  DB_ALL_PASS       false                                                                                    no        Add all passwords in the current database to the list
  DB_ALL_USERS      false                                                                                    no        Add all users in the current database to the list
  NMAP_VERBOSE      true                                                                                     no        Display nmap output
  PASSWORD                                                                                                   no        A specific password to authenticate with
  PASS_FILE                                                                                                  no        File containing passwords, one per line
  RHOSTS                                                                                                     yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
  RPORTS                                                                                                     no        Ports to target
  SID               XE                                                                                       yes       The instance (SID) to authenticate against
  STOP_ON_SUCCESS   false                                                                                    yes       Stop guessing when a credential works for a host
  THREADS           1                                                                                        yes       The number of concurrent threads (max one per host)
  USERNAME                                                                                                   no        A specific username to authenticate as
  USERPASS_FILE     /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/data/wordlists/oracle_default_userpass.txt  no        File containing (space-separated) users and passwords, one pair per line
  USER_AS_PASS      false                                                                                    no        Try the username as the password for all users
  USER_FILE                                                                                                  no        File containing usernames, one per line
  VERBOSE           true                                                                                     yes       Whether to print output for all attempts

  This module attempts to authenticate against an Oracle RDBMS 
  instance using username and password combinations indicated by the 
  USER_FILE, PASS_FILE, and USERPASS_FILE options. Due to a bug in 
  nmap versions 6.50-7.80 may not work.


Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the scanner/oracle/oracle_login auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/oracle/oracle_login) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login):

   Name              Current Setting                                                                          Required  Description
   ----              ---------------                                                                          --------  -----------
   BLANK_PASSWORDS   false                                                                                    no        Try blank passwords for all users
   BRUTEFORCE_SPEED  5                                                                                        yes       How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5
   DB_ALL_CREDS      false                                                                                    no        Try each user/password couple stored in the current database
   DB_ALL_PASS       false                                                                                    no        Add all passwords in the current database to the list
   DB_ALL_USERS      false                                                                                    no        Add all users in the current database to the list
   NMAP_VERBOSE      true                                                                                     no        Display nmap output
   PASSWORD                                                                                                   no        A specific password to authenticate with
   PASS_FILE                                                                                                  no        File containing passwords, one per line
   RHOSTS                                                                                                     yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
   RPORTS                                                                                                     no        Ports to target
   SID               XE                                                                                       yes       The instance (SID) to authenticate against
   STOP_ON_SUCCESS   false                                                                                    yes       Stop guessing when a credential works for a host
   THREADS           1                                                                                        yes       The number of concurrent threads (max one per host)
   USERNAME                                                                                                   no        A specific username to authenticate as
   USERPASS_FILE     /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/data/wordlists/oracle_default_userpass.txt  no        File containing (space-separated) users and passwords, one pair per line
   USER_AS_PASS      false                                                                                    no        Try the username as the password for all users
   USER_FILE                                                                                                  no        File containing usernames, one per line
   VERBOSE           true                                                                                     yes       Whether to print output for all attempts

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the scanner/oracle/oracle_login auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/oracle/oracle_login) > show advanced

Module advanced options (auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login):

   Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
   MaxGuessesPerService  0                no        Maximum number of credentials to try per service instance. If set to zero or a non-number, this option will not be used.
   MaxGuessesPerUser     0                no        Maximum guesses for a particular username for the service instance. Note that users are considered unique among different services, so a user at is different from one at
                                                    22, and both will be tried up to the MaxGuessesPerUser limit. If set to zero or a non-number, this option will not be used.
   MaxMinutesPerService  0                no        Maximum time in minutes to bruteforce the service instance. If set to zero or a non-number, this option will not be used.
   PASSWORD_SPRAY        false            yes       Reverse the credential pairing order. For each password, attempt every possible user.
   REMOVE_PASS_FILE      false            yes       Automatically delete the PASS_FILE on module completion
   REMOVE_USERPASS_FILE  false            yes       Automatically delete the USERPASS_FILE on module completion
   REMOVE_USER_FILE      false            yes       Automatically delete the USER_FILE on module completion
   ShowProgress          true             yes       Display progress messages during a scan
   ShowProgressPercent   10               yes       The interval in percent that progress should be shown
   TRANSITION_DELAY      0                no        Amount of time (in minutes) to delay before transitioning to the next user in the array (or password when PASSWORD_SPRAY=true)
   WORKSPACE                              no        Specify the workspace for this module

Auxiliary Actions

This is a list of all auxiliary actions that the scanner/oracle/oracle_login module can do:

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/oracle/oracle_login) > show actions

Auxiliary actions:

   Name  Description
   ----  -----------

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the scanner/oracle/oracle_login auxiliary module in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/oracle/oracle_login) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----  ---------------  --------  -----------

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Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

Installed Nmap version is not at least <MINIMUM_NMAP_VERSION>. Exiting...

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Installed Nmap version is not at least <MINIMUM_NMAP_VERSION>. Exiting..." error message:

46:	    "5.50"
47:	  end
49:	  def run
50:	    unless nmap_version_at_least? minimum_nmap_version
51:	      print_error "Installed Nmap version is not at least #{minimum_nmap_version}. Exiting..."
52:	      return false
53:	    end
54:	    print_status "Nmap: Setting up credential file..."
55:	    credfile = create_credfile
56:	    cred_count = 0

<MSG> Invalid SID: <SID>

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "<MSG> Invalid SID: <SID>" error message:

166:	  def parse_script_output(addr,port,output)
167:	    msg = "#{addr}:#{port} - Oracle -"
168:	    @oracle_reported = false
169:	    if output =~ /TNS: The listener could not resolve \x22/n
170:	      print_error "#{msg} Invalid SID: #{sid}"
171:	    elsif output =~ /Accounts[\s]+No valid accounts found/nm
172:	      print_status "#{msg} No valid accounts found"
173:	    else
174:	      output.each_line do |oline|
175:	        if oline =~ /Login correct/

<MSG> No valid accounts found

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "<MSG> No valid accounts found" error message:

167:	    msg = "#{addr}:#{port} - Oracle -"
168:	    @oracle_reported = false
169:	    if output =~ /TNS: The listener could not resolve \x22/n
170:	      print_error "#{msg} Invalid SID: #{sid}"
171:	    elsif output =~ /Accounts[\s]+No valid accounts found/nm
172:	      print_status "#{msg} No valid accounts found"
173:	    else
174:	      output.each_line do |oline|
175:	        if oline =~ /Login correct/
176:	          if not @oracle_reported
177:	            report_service(:host => addr, :port => port, :proto => "tcp", :name => "oracle")

<MSG> NSE script error

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "<MSG> NSE script error" error message:

203:	            user: "#{sid}/#{user}",
204:	            service_name: 'tcp',
205:	            status: Metasploit::Model::Login::Status::DENIED_ACCESS
206:	          )
207:	        elsif oline =~ /^\s+ERROR: (.*)/
208:	          print_error "#{msg} NSE script error: #{$1}"
209:	        end
210:	      end
211:	    end
212:	  end
213:	end

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See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:

Related Nessus plugins:


  • Patrik Karlsson <patrik[at]>
  • todb


This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.1.29-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

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