Execute .net Assembly (x64 only) - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the post/windows/manage/execute_dotnet_assembly metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Table Of Contents


Module options (post/windows/manage/execute_dotnet_assembly):

   Name            Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----            ---------------  --------  -----------
   AMSIBYPASS      true             yes       Enable Amsi bypass
   ARGUMENTS                        no        Command line arguments
   DOTNET_EXE                       yes       Assembly file name
   ETWBYPASS       true             yes       Enable Etw bypass
   PID             0                no        Pid  to inject
   PPID            0                no        Process Identifier for PPID spoofing when creating a new process. (0 = no PPID spoofing)
   PROCESS         notepad.exe      no        Process to spawn
   SESSION                          yes       The session to run this module on.
   USETHREADTOKEN  true             no        Spawn process with thread impersonation
   WAIT            10               no        Time in seconds to wait


Enable or Disable Amsi bypass. This parameter is necessary due to the technique used. It is possible that subsequent updates will make the bypass unstable which could result in a crash. By setting the parameter to false the module continues to work.


Command line arguments. The signature of the Main method must match with the parameters that have been set in the module, for example:

If the property ARGUMENTS is set to "antani sblinda destra" the main method should be "static void main (string [] args)"<br /> If the property ARGUMENTS is set to "" the main method should be "static void main ()"


Dotnet Executable to execute


Pid to inject. If different from 0 the module does not create a new process but uses the existing process identified by the PID parameter.


Process to spawn when PID is equal to 0.


The session to run this module on. Must be meterpreter session


Time in seconds to wait before starting to read the output.

Output unavailable

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Output unavailable" error message:

193:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Session invalid')
194:	    else
195:	      print_status("Running module against #{sysinfo['Computer']}")
196:	    end
197:	    if datastore['PID'].positive? || datastore['WAIT'].zero? || datastore['PPID'].positive?
198:	      print_warning('Output unavailable')
199:	    end
201:	    if (datastore['PPID'] != 0) && (datastore['PID'] != 0)
202:	      print_error('PID and PPID are mutually exclusive')
203:	      return false

PID and PPID are mutually exclusive

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "PID and PPID are mutually exclusive" error message:

197:	    if datastore['PID'].positive? || datastore['WAIT'].zero? || datastore['PPID'].positive?
198:	      print_warning('Output unavailable')
199:	    end
201:	    if (datastore['PPID'] != 0) && (datastore['PID'] != 0)
202:	      print_error('PID and PPID are mutually exclusive')
203:	      return false
204:	    end
206:	    if datastore['PID'] <= 0
207:	      process, hprocess = launch_process

Time out exception: wait limit exceeded (5 sec)

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Time out exception: wait limit exceeded (5 sec)" error message:

275:	          output.split("\n").each { |x| print_good(x) }
276:	        end
277:	        break if output.nil? || output.empty?
278:	      end
279:	    rescue Rex::TimeoutError => _e
280:	      vprint_warning('Time out exception: wait limit exceeded (5 sec)')
281:	    rescue ::StandardError => e
282:	      print_error("Exception: #{e.inspect}")
283:	    end
285:	    client.response_timeout = old_timeout

Exception: <E.INSPECT>

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Exception: <E.INSPECT>" error message:

277:	        break if output.nil? || output.empty?
278:	      end
279:	    rescue Rex::TimeoutError => _e
280:	      vprint_warning('Time out exception: wait limit exceeded (5 sec)')
281:	    rescue ::StandardError => e
282:	      print_error("Exception: #{e.inspect}")
283:	    end
285:	    client.response_timeout = old_timeout
286:	    print_status('End output.')
287:	  end

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See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:




This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.1.24-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

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