Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2) - Nessus

Critical   Plugin ID: 120615

This page contains detailed information about the Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2) Nessus plugin including available exploits and PoCs found on GitHub, in Metasploit or Exploit-DB for verifying of this vulnerability.

Plugin Overview

ID: 120615
Name: Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2)
Filename: fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl
Vulnerability Published: 2018-03-01
This Plugin Published: 2019-01-03
Last Modification Time: 2021-11-30
Plugin Version: 1.15
Plugin Type: local
Plugin Family: Fedora Local Security Checks
Dependencies: ssh_get_info.nasl
Required KB Items [?]: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/RedHat/release, Host/RedHat/rpm-list

Vulnerability Information

Severity: Critical
Vulnerability Published: 2018-03-01
Patch Published: 2018-04-27
CVE [?]: CVE-2017-6926, CVE-2017-6927, CVE-2017-6930, CVE-2017-6931, CVE-2018-7600
CPE [?]: cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:28, p-cpe:/a:fedoraproject:fedora:drupal8
Exploited by Malware: True
In the News: True


The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.


- [8.4.6](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.6)

- [SA-CORE-2018-002 (CVE-2018-7600)](https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2018-002 )

- [8.4.5](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.5)

- [SA-CORE-2018-001 (CVE-2017-6926 / CVE-2017-6927 / CVE-2017-6930 / CVE-2017-6931)](https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2018-001)

- [8.4.4](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.4)

- [8.4.3](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.3)

- [8.4.2](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.2)

- [8.4.1](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.1)

- [8.4.0](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8 .4.0)

- [8.4.0-rc2](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releas es/8.4.0-rc2)

- [8.4.0-rc1](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releas es/8.4.0-rc1)

- [8.4.0-beta1](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/rele ases/8.4.0-beta1)

- [8.4.0-alpha1](https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/rel eases/8.4.0-alpha1)

Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora update system website. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.


Update the affected drupal8 package.

Public Exploits

Target Network Port(s): N/A
Target Asset(s): N/A
Exploit Available: True (Metasploit Framework, Exploit-DB, GitHub, Core Impact, D2 Elliot)
Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Here's the list of publicly known exploits and PoCs for verifying the Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2) vulnerability:

  1. Metasploit: exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2
    [Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 Forms API Property Injection]
  2. Exploit-DB: exploits/php/remote/44482.rb
    [EDB-44482: Drupal < 8.3.9 / < 8.4.6 / < 8.5.1 - 'Drupalgeddon2' Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)]
  3. Exploit-DB: exploits/php/webapps/44448.py
    [EDB-44448: Drupal < 8.3.9 / < 8.4.6 / < 8.5.1 - 'Drupalgeddon2' Remote Code Execution (PoC)]
  4. Exploit-DB: exploits/php/webapps/44449.rb
    [EDB-44449: Drupal < 7.58 / < 8.3.9 / < 8.4.6 / < 8.5.1 - 'Drupalgeddon2' Remote Code Execution]
  5. GitHub: https://github.com/0ang3el/drupalgeddon2
  6. GitHub: https://github.com/0xAJ2K/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: Drupal 8.x before 8.3.9, 8.4.x before 8.4.6, and 8.5.x before 8.5.1 allows remote ...]
  7. GitHub: https://github.com/0xkasra/CVE-2018-7600
  8. GitHub: https://github.com/3vikram/Application-Vulnerabilities-Payloads
  9. GitHub: https://github.com/84KaliPleXon3/Payloads_All_The_Things
  10. GitHub: https://github.com/1120362990/vulnerability-list
  11. GitHub: https://github.com/AnonVulc/Pentest-Tools
  12. GitHub: https://github.com/Astrogeorgeonethree/Starred
  13. GitHub: https://github.com/Cyberleet1337/Payloadswebhack
  14. GitHub: https://github.com/Delishsploits/PayloadsAndMethodology
  15. GitHub: https://github.com/DynamicDesignz/Alien-Framework
  16. GitHub: https://github.com/GuynnR/Payloads
  17. GitHub: https://github.com/Jean-Francois-C/Boot2root-CTFs-Writeups
  18. GitHub: https://github.com/Jean-Francois-C/Windows-Penetration-Testing
  19. GitHub: https://github.com/Jyozi/CVE-2018-7600
  20. GitHub: https://github.com/Muhammd/Awesome-Payloads
  21. GitHub: https://github.com/PWN-Kingdom/Test_Tasks
  22. GitHub: https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/research-notes
  23. GitHub: https://github.com/Prodject/Kn0ck
  24. GitHub: https://github.com/Project-WARMIND/Exploit-Modules
  25. GitHub: https://github.com/S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Pentest-Tools
  26. GitHub: https://github.com/SPuerBRead/kun
  27. GitHub: https://github.com/SecPentester/CVE-7600-2018
  28. GitHub: https://github.com/SexyBeast233/SecBooks
  29. GitHub: https://github.com/UltramanGaia/POC-EXP
  30. GitHub: https://github.com/VictorMora97/Drupalgeddon2
    [CVE-2018-7600: Analisis y descripcion de una vulnerabilidad que afecta a Drupal (CVE 2018-7600). ...]
  31. GitHub: https://github.com/XPR1M3/Payloads_All_The_Things
  32. GitHub: https://github.com/alexfrancow/Exploits
  33. GitHub: https://github.com/andrysec/PayloadsAllVulnerability
  34. GitHub: https://github.com/anhtu97/PayloadAllEverything
  35. GitHub: https://github.com/anldori/Drupal-CVE-2018-7600
  36. GitHub: https://github.com/antonio-fr/DrupalRS
  37. GitHub: https://github.com/apkadmin/PayLoadsAll
  38. GitHub: https://github.com/bigblackhat/oFx
  39. GitHub: https://github.com/chanchalpatra/payload
  40. GitHub: https://github.com/cjgratacos/drupalgeddon2-test
  41. GitHub: https://github.com/cocomelonc/vulnexipy
  42. GitHub: https://github.com/drugeddon/drupal-exploit
  43. GitHub: https://github.com/fengjixuchui/RedTeamer
  44. GitHub: https://github.com/firefart/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 - Drupal 7.x RCE]
  45. GitHub: https://github.com/gobysec/Goby
  46. GitHub: https://github.com/happynote3966/CVE-2018-7600
  47. GitHub: https://github.com/hktalent/myhktools
  48. GitHub: https://github.com/jstang9527/gofor
  49. GitHub: https://github.com/jyo-zi/CVE-2018-7600
  50. GitHub: https://github.com/kk98kk0/Payloads
  51. GitHub: https://github.com/koutto/jok3r-pocs
  52. GitHub: https://github.com/lanjelot/ctfs
  53. GitHub: https://github.com/madneal/codeql-scanner
    [CVE-2018-7600: The exploit python script for CVE-2018-7600]
  54. GitHub: https://github.com/maya6/-scan-
  55. GitHub: https://github.com/mrhacker51/ReverseShellCommands
  56. GitHub: https://github.com/neoblackied/drupal1
  57. GitHub: https://github.com/nixawk/labs
  58. GitHub: https://github.com/nxme/php-uicode-issues-drupal
  59. GitHub: https://github.com/oneplus-x/MS17-010
  60. GitHub: https://github.com/oneplus-x/Sn1per
  61. GitHub: https://github.com/opflep/Drupalgeddon-Toolkit
  62. GitHub: https://github.com/ozkanbilge/Payloads
  63. GitHub: https://github.com/persian64/CVE-2018-7600
  64. GitHub: https://github.com/qazbnm456/awesome-cve-poc/blob/master/CVE-2018-7600.md
  65. GitHub: https://github.com/qiantu88/test
  66. GitHub: https://github.com/rabbitmask/CVE-2018-7600-Drupal7
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600【Drupal7】批量扫描工具。]
  67. GitHub: https://github.com/rafaelcaria/drupalgeddon2-CVE-2018-7600
  68. GitHub: https://github.com/samba234/Sniper
  69. GitHub: https://github.com/severnake/Pentest-Tools
  70. GitHub: https://github.com/shellord/CVE-2018-7600-Drupal-RCE
    [CVE-2018-7600: MASS Exploiter]
  71. GitHub: https://github.com/shellord/Drupalgeddon-Mass-Exploiter
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 and CVE-2018-7602 Mass Exploiter]
  72. GitHub: https://github.com/sobinge/PayloadsAllThesobinge
  73. GitHub: https://github.com/sobinge/--1
  74. GitHub: https://github.com/theyoge/AD-Pentesting-Tools
  75. GitHub: https://github.com/unusualwork/Sn1per
  76. GitHub: https://github.com/vphnguyen/ANM_CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: Detect with python and tracking IP]
  77. GitHub: https://github.com/yak0d3/dDumper
  78. GitHub: https://github.com/ynsmroztas/drupalhunter
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 0-Day Exploit (cyber-warrior.org)]
  79. GitHub: https://github.com/zeralot/Dectect-CVE
  80. GitHub: https://github.com/zhzyker/CVE-2018-7600-Drupal-POC-EXP
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 远程代码执行漏洞利用脚本]
  81. GitHub: https://github.com/a2u/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: 💀Proof-of-Concept for CVE-2018-7600 Drupal SA-CORE-2018-002]
  82. GitHub: https://github.com/cved-sources/cve-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: Cve-2018-7600]
  83. GitHub: https://github.com/Damian972/drupalgeddon-2
    [CVE-2018-7600: Vuln checker for Drupal v7.x + v8.x (CVE-2018-7600 / SA-CORE-2018-002)]
  84. GitHub: https://github.com/dreadlocked/Drupalgeddon2
    [CVE-2018-7600: Exploit for Drupal v7.x + v8.x (Drupalgeddon 2 / CVE-2018-7600 / SA-CORE-2018-002) ...]
  85. GitHub: https://github.com/dr-iman/CVE-2018-7600-Drupal-0day-RCE
    [CVE-2018-7600: Drupal 0day Remote PHP Code Execution (Perl)]
  86. GitHub: https://github.com/dwisiswant0/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: PoC for CVE-2018-7600 Drupal SA-CORE-2018-002 (Drupalgeddon 2).]
  87. GitHub: https://github.com/FireFart/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 - Drupal 7.x RCE]
  88. GitHub: https://github.com/fyraiga/CVE-2018-7600-drupalgeddon2-scanner
    [CVE-2018-7600: Drupalgeddon2 POC + Scanner (adapted)]
  89. GitHub: https://github.com/g0rx/CVE-2018-7600-Drupal-RCE
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 Drupal RCE]
  90. GitHub: https://github.com/Hestat/drupal-check
    [CVE-2018-7600: Tool to dive Apache logs for evidence of exploitation of CVE-2018-7600]
  91. GitHub: https://github.com/jirojo2/drupalgeddon2
    [CVE-2018-7600: MSF exploit module for Drupalgeddon 2 (CVE-2018-7600 / SA-CORE-2018-002)]
  92. GitHub: https://github.com/knqyf263/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 (Drupal)]
  93. GitHub: https://github.com/lorddemon/drupalgeddon2
    [CVE-2018-7600: Exploit for CVE-2018-7600.. called drupalgeddon2,]
  94. GitHub: https://github.com/ludy-dev/drupal8-REST-RCE
    [CVE-2018-7600: (CVE-2019-6340, CVE-2018-7600) drupal8-REST-RCE]
  95. GitHub: https://github.com/pimps/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: Exploit for Drupal 7 <= 7.57 CVE-2018-7600]
  96. GitHub: https://github.com/r3dxpl0it/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 POC (Drupal RCE)]
  97. GitHub: https://github.com/ruthvikvegunta/Drupalgeddon2
    [CVE-2018-7600: CVE-2018-7600 | Drupal < 7.58 / < 8.3.9 / < 8.4.6 / < 8.5.1 - 'Drupalgeddon2' RCE ...]
  98. GitHub: https://github.com/sl4cky/CVE-2018-7600-Masschecker
    [CVE-2018-7600: Tool to check for CVE-2018-7600 vulnerability on several URLS]
  99. GitHub: https://github.com/thehappydinoa/CVE-2018-7600
    [CVE-2018-7600: Proof-of-Concept for Drupal CVE-2018-7600 / SA-CORE-2018-002]
  100. D2 Elliot: drupal_8_sa-core-2018-002_rce.html
    [Drupal 8 SA-CORE-2018-002 RCE]

Before running any exploit against any system, make sure you are authorized by the owner of the target system(s) to perform such activity. In any other case, this would be considered as an illegal activity.

WARNING: Beware of using unverified exploits from sources such as GitHub or Exploit-DB. These exploits and PoCs could contain malware. For more information, see how to use exploits safely.

Risk Information

CVSS V2 Vector [?]: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P/E:H/RL:OF/RC:C
CVSS Base Score:7.5 (High)
Impact Subscore:6.4
Exploitability Subscore:10.0
CVSS Temporal Score:6.5 (Medium)
CVSS Environmental Score:NA (None)
Modified Impact Subscore:NA
Overall CVSS Score:6.5 (Medium)
CVSS Base Score:9.8 (Critical)
Impact Subscore:5.9
Exploitability Subscore:3.9
CVSS Temporal Score:9.4 (Critical)
CVSS Environmental Score:NA (None)
Modified Impact Subscore:NA
Overall CVSS Score:9.4 (Critical)

Go back to menu.

Plugin Source

This is the fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl nessus plugin source code. This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
# extracted from Fedora Security Advisory FEDORA-2018-906ba26b4d.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2021/11/30");

  script_cve_id("CVE-2017-6926", "CVE-2017-6927", "CVE-2017-6930", "CVE-2017-6931", "CVE-2018-7600");
  script_xref(name:"FEDORA", value:"2018-906ba26b4d");
  script_xref(name:"CISA-KNOWN-EXPLOITED", value:"2022/05/03");

  script_name(english:"Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2)");
  script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated package.");

    value:"The remote Fedora host is missing a security update."

  - [SA-CORE-2018-002


  - [SA-CORE-2018-001 (CVE-2017-6926 / CVE-2017-6927 /
    CVE-2017-6930 /










Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding
description block directly from the Fedora update system website.
Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as
possible without introducing additional issues."
    value:"Update the affected drupal8 package."
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_core", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"d2_elliot_name", value:"Drupal 8 SA-CORE-2018-002 RCE");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_d2_elliot", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploited_by_malware", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"metasploit_name", value:'Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 Forms API Property Injection');
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_framework_metasploit", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fedoraproject:fedora:drupal8");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:28");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2018/03/01");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2018/04/27");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2019/01/03");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"in_the_news", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
  script_family(english:"Fedora Local Security Checks");

  script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/RedHat/release", "Host/RedHat/rpm-list");



if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
release = get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/release");
if (isnull(release) || "Fedora" >!< release) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Fedora");
os_ver = pregmatch(pattern: "Fedora.*release ([0-9]+)", string:release);
if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, "Fedora");
os_ver = os_ver[1];
if (! preg(pattern:"^28([^0-9]|$)", string:os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Fedora 28", "Fedora " + os_ver);

if (!get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
if ("x86_64" >!< cpu && cpu !~ "^i[3-6]86$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Fedora", cpu);

flag = 0;
if (rpm_check(release:"FC28", reference:"drupal8-8.4.6-3.fc28")) flag++;

if (flag)
    port       : 0,
    severity   : SECURITY_HOLE,
    extra      : rpm_report_get()
  tested = pkg_tests_get();
  if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
  else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "drupal8");

The latest version of this script can be found in these locations depending on your platform:

  • Linux / Unix:
  • Windows:
  • Mac OS X:

Go back to menu.

How to Run

Here is how to run the Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2) as a standalone plugin via the Nessus web user interface (https://localhost:8834/):

  1. Click to start a New Scan.
  2. Select Advanced Scan.
  3. Navigate to the Plugins tab.
  4. On the top right corner click to Disable All plugins.
  5. On the left side table select Fedora Local Security Checks plugin family.
  6. On the right side table select Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-906ba26b4d) (Drupalgeddon 2) plugin ID 120615.
  7. Specify the target on the Settings tab and click to Save the scan.
  8. Run the scan.

Here are a few examples of how to run the plugin in the command line. Note that the examples below demonstrate the usage on the Linux / Unix platform.

Basic usage:

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with audit trail message on the console:

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -a fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with trace script execution written to the console (useful for debugging):

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -T - fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with using a state file for the target and updating it (useful for running multiple plugins on the target):

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -K /tmp/state fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Go back to menu.


Fedora Security Update: See also: Similar and related Nessus plugins:
  • 108695 - Debian DLA-1325-1 : drupal7 security update (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 108698 - Debian DSA-4156-1 : drupal7 - security update (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 108688 - Drupal 7.x < 7.58 / 8.3.x < 8.3.9 / 8.4.x < 8.4.6 / 8.5.x < 8.5.1 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (SA-CORE-2018-002)
  • 109041 - Drupal Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (SA-CORE-2018-002) (exploit)
  • 109288 - Fedora 26 : drupal8 (2018-922cc2fbaa) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109055 - FreeBSD : drupal -- Drupal Core - Multiple Vulnerabilities (a9e466e8-4144-11e8-a292-00e04c1ea73d) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109381 - Debian DLA-1365-1 : drupal7 security update (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109349 - Debian DSA-4180-1 : drupal7 - security update (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109705 - Fedora 27 : drupal8 (2018-1ba93b3144) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109706 - Fedora 26 : drupal7 (2018-2359c2ae0e) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 120383 - Fedora 28 : drupal7 (2018-43c64deada) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 120613 - Fedora 28 : drupal8 (2018-8fd924a53d) (Drupalgeddon 2)
  • 109710 - Fedora 27 : drupal7 (2018-b9ad458866) (Drupalgeddon 2)


This page has been produced using Nessus Professional 10.1.2 (#68) LINUX, Plugin set 202205072148.
Plugin file fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl version 1.15. For more plugins, visit the Nessus Plugin Library.

Go back to menu.