Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004) - Nessus

High   Plugin ID: 160434

This page contains detailed information about the Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004) Nessus plugin including available exploits and PoCs found on GitHub, in Metasploit or Exploit-DB for verifying of this vulnerability.

Plugin Overview

ID: 160434
Name: Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004)
Filename: al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl
Vulnerability Published: 2021-07-21
This Plugin Published: 2022-05-02
Last Modification Time: 2022-05-02
Plugin Version: 1.2
Plugin Type: local
Plugin Family: Amazon Linux Local Security Checks
Dependencies: ssh_get_info.nasl
Required KB Items [?]: Host/AmazonLinux/release, Host/AmazonLinux/rpm-list, Host/local_checks_enabled

Vulnerability Information

Severity: High
Vulnerability Published: 2021-07-21
Patch Published: 2022-01-20
CVE [?]: CVE-2021-3655, CVE-2021-3679, CVE-2021-34556, CVE-2021-35477, CVE-2021-37159, CVE-2021-38160, CVE-2021-38199
CPE [?]: cpe:/o:amazon:linux:2, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:bpftool, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:bpftool-debuginfo, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo-common-aarch64, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-devel, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-headers, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-livepatch-5.10.59-52.142, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools-debuginfo, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools-devel, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:perf, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:perf-debuginfo, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:python-perf, p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:python-perf-debuginfo


The remote Amazon Linux 2 host is missing a security update.


The version of kernel installed on the remote host is prior to 5.10.59-52.142. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the ALAS2KERNEL-5.10-2022-004 advisory.

- In the Linux kernel through 5.13.7, an unprivileged BPF program can obtain sensitive information from kernel memory via a Speculative Store Bypass side-channel attack because the protection mechanism neglects the possibility of uninitialized memory locations on the BPF stack. (CVE-2021-34556)

- In the Linux kernel through 5.13.7, an unprivileged BPF program can obtain sensitive information from kernel memory via a Speculative Store Bypass side-channel attack because a certain preempting store operation does not necessarily occur before a store operation that has an attacker-controlled value. (CVE-2021-35477)

- A vulnerability was found in the Linux kernel in versions prior to v5.14-rc1. Missing size validations on inbound SCTP packets may allow the kernel to read uninitialized memory. (CVE-2021-3655)

- A lack of CPU resource in the Linux kernel tracing module functionality in versions prior to 5.14-rc3 was found in the way user uses trace ring buffer in a specific way. Only privileged local users (with CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability) could use this flaw to starve the resources causing denial of service. (CVE-2021-3679)

- hso_free_net_device in drivers/net/usb/hso.c in the Linux kernel through 5.13.4 calls unregister_netdev without checking for the NETREG_REGISTERED state, leading to a use-after-free and a double free. (CVE-2021-37159)

- ** DISPUTED ** In drivers/char/virtio_console.c in the Linux kernel before 5.13.4, data corruption or loss can be triggered by an untrusted device that supplies a buf->len value exceeding the buffer size. NOTE: the vendor indicates that the cited data corruption is not a vulnerability in any existing use case; the length validation was added solely for robustness in the face of anomalous host OS behavior. (CVE-2021-38160)

- fs/nfs/nfs4client.c in the Linux kernel before 5.13.4 has incorrect connection-setup ordering, which allows operators of remote NFSv4 servers to cause a denial of service (hanging of mounts) by arranging for those servers to be unreachable during trunking detection. (CVE-2021-38199)

Note that Nessus has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version number.


Run 'yum update kernel' to update your system.

Public Exploits

Target Network Port(s): N/A
Target Asset(s): N/A
Exploit Available: True (GitHub)
Exploit Ease: Exploits (PoCs) are available

Here's the list of publicly known exploits and PoCs for verifying the Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004) vulnerability:

  1. GitHub:

Before running any exploit against any system, make sure you are authorized by the owner of the target system(s) to perform such activity. In any other case, this would be considered as an illegal activity.

WARNING: Beware of using unverified exploits from sources such as GitHub or Exploit-DB. These exploits and PoCs could contain malware. For more information, see how to use exploits safely.

Risk Information

CVSS Score Source [?]: CVE-2021-38160
CVSS Base Score:7.2 (High)
Impact Subscore:10.0
Exploitability Subscore:3.9
CVSS Temporal Score:5.3 (Medium)
CVSS Environmental Score:NA (None)
Modified Impact Subscore:NA
Overall CVSS Score:5.3 (Medium)
CVSS Base Score:7.8 (High)
Impact Subscore:5.9
Exploitability Subscore:1.8
CVSS Temporal Score:6.8 (Medium)
CVSS Environmental Score:NA (None)
Modified Impact Subscore:NA
Overall CVSS Score:6.8 (Medium)

Go back to menu.

Plugin Source

This is the al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl nessus plugin source code. This script is Copyright (C) 2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

# (C) Tenable, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from Amazon Linux 2 Security Advisory ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2022/05/02");


  script_name(english:"Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004)");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Amazon Linux 2 host is missing a security update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The version of kernel installed on the remote host is prior to 5.10.59-52.142. It is, therefore, affected by multiple
vulnerabilities as referenced in the ALAS2KERNEL-5.10-2022-004 advisory.

  - In the Linux kernel through 5.13.7, an unprivileged BPF program can obtain sensitive information from
    kernel memory via a Speculative Store Bypass side-channel attack because the protection mechanism neglects
    the possibility of uninitialized memory locations on the BPF stack. (CVE-2021-34556)

  - In the Linux kernel through 5.13.7, an unprivileged BPF program can obtain sensitive information from
    kernel memory via a Speculative Store Bypass side-channel attack because a certain preempting store
    operation does not necessarily occur before a store operation that has an attacker-controlled value.

  - A vulnerability was found in the Linux kernel in versions prior to v5.14-rc1. Missing size validations on
    inbound SCTP packets may allow the kernel to read uninitialized memory. (CVE-2021-3655)

  - A lack of CPU resource in the Linux kernel tracing module functionality in versions prior to 5.14-rc3 was
    found in the way user uses trace ring buffer in a specific way. Only privileged local users (with
    CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability) could use this flaw to starve the resources causing denial of service.

  - hso_free_net_device in drivers/net/usb/hso.c in the Linux kernel through 5.13.4 calls unregister_netdev
    without checking for the NETREG_REGISTERED state, leading to a use-after-free and a double free.

  - ** DISPUTED ** In drivers/char/virtio_console.c in the Linux kernel before 5.13.4, data corruption or loss
    can be triggered by an untrusted device that supplies a buf->len value exceeding the buffer size. NOTE:
    the vendor indicates that the cited data corruption is not a vulnerability in any existing use case; the
    length validation was added solely for robustness in the face of anomalous host OS behavior.

  - fs/nfs/nfs4client.c in the Linux kernel before 5.13.4 has incorrect connection-setup ordering, which
    allows operators of remote NFSv4 servers to cause a denial of service (hanging of mounts) by arranging for
    those servers to be unreachable during trunking detection. (CVE-2021-38199)

Note that Nessus has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Run 'yum update kernel' to update your system.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2021-38160");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"false");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2021/07/21");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2022/01/20");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2022/05/02");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:bpftool");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:bpftool-debuginfo");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo-common-aarch64");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-devel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-headers");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-livepatch-5.10.59-52.142");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools-debuginfo");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:kernel-tools-devel");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:perf");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:perf-debuginfo");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:python-perf");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:amazon:linux:python-perf-debuginfo");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:amazon:linux:2");

  script_family(english:"Amazon Linux Local Security Checks");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/AmazonLinux/release", "Host/AmazonLinux/rpm-list");



if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);

var release = get_kb_item("Host/AmazonLinux/release");
if (isnull(release) || !strlen(release)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Amazon Linux");
var os_ver = pregmatch(pattern: "^AL(A|\d)", string:release);
if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, "Amazon Linux");
var os_ver = os_ver[1];
if (os_ver != "2")
  if (os_ver == 'A') os_ver = 'AMI';
  audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Amazon Linux 2", "Amazon Linux " + os_ver);

if (!get_kb_item("Host/AmazonLinux/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

if (get_one_kb_item("Host/kpatch/kernel-cves"))
  var cve_list = make_list("CVE-2021-3655", "CVE-2021-3679", "CVE-2021-34556", "CVE-2021-35477", "CVE-2021-37159", "CVE-2021-38160", "CVE-2021-38199");
  if (hotfix_cves_check(cve_list))
    audit(AUDIT_PATCH_INSTALLED, "kpatch hotfix for ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004");
    __rpm_report = hotfix_reporting_text();
var pkgs = [
    {'reference':'bpftool-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'bpftool-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'bpftool-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'bpftool-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-debuginfo-common-aarch64-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-devel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-devel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-headers-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-headers-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'i686', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-headers-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-livepatch-5.10.59-52.142-1.0-0.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-devel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'kernel-tools-devel-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'perf-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'perf-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'perf-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'perf-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'python-perf-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'python-perf-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'python-perf-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'aarch64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE},
    {'reference':'python-perf-debuginfo-5.10.59-52.142.amzn2', 'cpu':'x86_64', 'release':'AL2', 'rpm_spec_vers_cmp':TRUE}

var flag = 0;
foreach package_array ( pkgs ) {
  var reference = NULL;
  var release = NULL;
  var cpu = NULL;
  var el_string = NULL;
  var rpm_spec_vers_cmp = NULL;
  var allowmaj = NULL;
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['reference'])) reference = package_array['reference'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['release'])) release = package_array['release'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['cpu'])) cpu = package_array['cpu'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['el_string'])) el_string = package_array['el_string'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['rpm_spec_vers_cmp'])) rpm_spec_vers_cmp = package_array['rpm_spec_vers_cmp'];
  if (!empty_or_null(package_array['allowmaj'])) allowmaj = package_array['allowmaj'];
  if (reference && release) {
    if (rpm_check(release:release, cpu:cpu, reference:reference, el_string:el_string, rpm_spec_vers_cmp:rpm_spec_vers_cmp, allowmaj:allowmaj)) flag++;

if (flag)
      port       : 0,
      severity   : SECURITY_HOLE,
      extra      : rpm_report_get()
  var tested = pkg_tests_get();
  if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
  else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "bpftool / bpftool-debuginfo / kernel / etc");

The latest version of this script can be found in these locations depending on your platform:

  • Linux / Unix:
  • Windows:
  • Mac OS X:

Go back to menu.

How to Run

Here is how to run the Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004) as a standalone plugin via the Nessus web user interface (https://localhost:8834/):

  1. Click to start a New Scan.
  2. Select Advanced Scan.
  3. Navigate to the Plugins tab.
  4. On the top right corner click to Disable All plugins.
  5. On the left side table select Amazon Linux Local Security Checks plugin family.
  6. On the right side table select Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.10-2022-004) plugin ID 160434.
  7. Specify the target on the Settings tab and click to Save the scan.
  8. Run the scan.

Here are a few examples of how to run the plugin in the command line. Note that the examples below demonstrate the usage on the Linux / Unix platform.

Basic usage:

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with audit trail message on the console:

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -a al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with trace script execution written to the console (useful for debugging):

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -T - al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Run the plugin with using a state file for the target and updating it (useful for running multiple plugins on the target):

/opt/nessus/bin/nasl -K /tmp/state al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl -t <IP/HOST>

Go back to menu.


See also: Similar and related Nessus plugins:
  • 155930 - SUSE SLES15 Security Update : kernel (SUSE-SU-2021:3969-1)
  • 155959 - SUSE SLES12 Security Update : kernel (SUSE-SU-2021:3972-1)
  • 155981 - SUSE SLES15 Security Update : the Linux RT Kernel (SUSE-SU-2021:3978-1)
  • 156163 - Debian DLA-2843-1 : linux - LTS security update
  • 156347 - EulerOS Virtualization : kernel (EulerOS-SA-2021-2818)
  • 156431 - EulerOS 2.0 SP5 : kernel (EulerOS-SA-2021-2934)
  • 157284 - Slackware Linux 14.2 kernel-generic Multiple Vulnerabilities (SSA:2022-031-01)
  • 157497 - AlmaLinux 8 : kernel (ALSA-2021:4356)
  • 158016 - EulerOS Virtualization : kernel (EulerOS-SA-2022-1070)
  • 158040 - EulerOS Virtualization : kernel (EulerOS-SA-2022-1155)
  • 158254 - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS : Linux kernel vulnerabilities (USN-5299-1)
  • 158472 - EulerOS 2.0 SP5 : kernel (EulerOS-SA-2022-1271)
  • 158697 - Amazon Linux AMI : kernel (ALAS-2022-1571)
  • 158720 - Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALAS-2022-1761)
  • 159160 - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / 16.04 LTS : Linux kernel vulnerabilities (USN-5343-1)
  • 159387 - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS : Linux kernel vulnerabilities (USN-5361-1)
  • 160429 - Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.4-2022-006)
  • 160449 - Amazon Linux 2 : kernel (ALASKERNEL-5.4-2022-008)


This page has been produced using Nessus Professional 10.1.2 (#68) LINUX, Plugin set 202205072148.
Plugin file al2_ALASKERNEL-5_10-2022-004.nasl version 1.2. For more plugins, visit the Nessus Plugin Library.

Go back to menu.