Malicious Git and Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390 - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: Malicious Git and Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390
Module: exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec
Source code: modules/exploits/multi/http/git_client_command_exec.rb
Disclosure date: 2014-12-18
Last modification time: 2022-01-23 15:28:32 +0000
Supported architecture(s): -
Supported platform(s): -
Target service / protocol: -
Target network port(s): -
List of CVEs: CVE-2014-9390

This module exploits CVE-2014-9390, which affects Git (versions less than, 1.9.5, 2.0.5, 2.1.4 and 2.2.1) and Mercurial (versions less than 3.2.3) and describes three vulnerabilities. On operating systems which have case-insensitive file systems, like Windows and OS X, Git clients can be convinced to retrieve and overwrite sensitive configuration files in the .git directory which can allow arbitrary code execution if a vulnerable client can be convinced to perform certain actions (for example, a checkout) against a malicious Git repository. A second vulnerability with similar characteristics also exists in both Git and Mercurial clients, on HFS+ file systems (Mac OS X) only, where certain Unicode codepoints are ignorable. The third vulnerability with similar characteristics only affects Mercurial clients on Windows, where Windows "short names" (MS-DOS-compatible 8.3 format) are supported. Today this module only truly supports the first vulnerability (Git clients on case-insensitive file systems) but has the functionality to support the remaining two with a little work.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • excellent: The exploit will never crash the service. This is the case for SQL Injection, CMD execution, RFI, LFI, etc. No typical memory corruption exploits should be given this ranking unless there are extraordinary circumstances. More information about ranking can be found here.


  • repeatable-session: The module is expected to get a shell every time it runs.


  • crash-safe: Module should not crash the service.

Side Effects:

  • artifacts-on-disk: Modules leaves a payload or a dropper on the target machine.
  • screen-effects: Module may show something on the screen (Example: a window pops up).

Basic Usage

msf > use exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec
msf exploit(git_client_command_exec) > exploit

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Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the multi/http/git_client_command_exec exploit module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show info

       Name: Malicious Git and Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390
     Module: exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec
 Privileged: No
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Excellent
  Disclosed: 2014-12-18

Provided by:
  Jon Hart <[email protected]>

Available targets:
  Id  Name
  --  ----
  0   Automatic
  1   Windows Powershell

Check supported:

Basic options:
  Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
  GIT      true             yes       Exploit Git clients
  SRVHOST          yes       The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses.
  SRVPORT  8080             yes       The local port to listen on.
  SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
  SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
  URIPATH                   no        The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

Payload information:

  This module exploits CVE-2014-9390, which affects Git (versions less 
  than, 1.9.5, 2.0.5, 2.1.4 and 2.2.1) and Mercurial (versions 
  less than 3.2.3) and describes three vulnerabilities. On operating 
  systems which have case-insensitive file systems, like Windows and 
  OS X, Git clients can be convinced to retrieve and overwrite 
  sensitive configuration files in the .git directory which can allow 
  arbitrary code execution if a vulnerable client can be convinced to 
  perform certain actions (for example, a checkout) against a 
  malicious Git repository. A second vulnerability with similar 
  characteristics also exists in both Git and Mercurial clients, on 
  HFS+ file systems (Mac OS X) only, where certain Unicode codepoints 
  are ignorable. The third vulnerability with similar characteristics 
  only affects Mercurial clients on Windows, where Windows "short 
  names" (MS-DOS-compatible 8.3 format) are supported. Today this 
  module only truly supports the first vulnerability (Git clients on 
  case-insensitive file systems) but has the functionality to support 
  the remaining two with a little work.


Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the multi/http/git_client_command_exec exploit:

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show options

Module options (exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   GIT      true             yes       Exploit Git clients
   SRVHOST          yes       The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses.
   SRVPORT  8080             yes       The local port to listen on.
   SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
   SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
   URIPATH                   no        The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Automatic

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the multi/http/git_client_command_exec exploit:

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show advanced

Module advanced options (exploit/multi/http/git_client_command_exec):

   Name                                    Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                                    ---------------  --------  -----------
   ContextInformationFile                                   no        The information file that contains context information
   DisablePayloadHandler                   false            no        Disable the handler code for the selected payload
   EnableContextEncoding                   false            no        Use transient context when encoding payloads
   GIT_HOOK                                post-checkout    no        The Git hook to use for exploitation
   GIT_URI                                                  no        The URI to use as the malicious Git instance (empty for random)
   ListenerComm                                             no        The specific communication channel to use for this service
   MERCURIAL                               false            no        Enable experimental Mercurial support
   MERCURIAL_HOOK                          update           no        The Mercurial hook to use for exploitation
   MERCURIAL_URI                                            no        The URI to use as the malicious Mercurial instance (empty for random)
   Powershell::encode_final_payload        false            yes       Encode final payload for -EncodedCommand
   Powershell::encode_inner_payload        false            yes       Encode inner payload for -EncodedCommand
   Powershell::exec_in_place               false            yes       Produce PSH without executable wrapper
   Powershell::exec_rc4                    false            yes       Encrypt PSH with RC4
   Powershell::method                      reflection       yes       Payload delivery method (Accepted: net, reflection, old, msil)
   Powershell::no_equals                   false            yes       Pad base64 until no "=" remains
   Powershell::noninteractive              true             yes       Execute powershell without interaction
   Powershell::persist                     false            yes       Run the payload in a loop
   Powershell::prepend_protections_bypass  true             yes       Prepend AMSI/SBL bypass
   Powershell::prepend_sleep                                no        Prepend seconds of sleep
   Powershell::remove_comspec              false            yes       Produce script calling powershell directly
   Powershell::strip_comments              true             yes       Strip comments
   Powershell::strip_whitespace            false            yes       Strip whitespace
   Powershell::sub_funcs                   false            yes       Substitute function names
   Powershell::sub_vars                    true             yes       Substitute variable names
   Powershell::wrap_double_quotes          true             yes       Wraps the -Command argument in single quotes
   SSLCipher                                                no        String for SSL cipher spec - "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA" or "ADH"
   SSLCompression                          false            no        Enable SSL/TLS-level compression
   SendRobots                              false            no        Return a robots.txt file if asked for one
   URIHOST                                                  no        Host to use in URI (useful for tunnels)
   URIPORT                                                  no        Port to use in URI (useful for tunnels)
   VERBOSE                                 false            no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                                                no        Specify the workspace for this module

Exploit Targets

Here is a list of targets (platforms and systems) which the multi/http/git_client_command_exec module can exploit:

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show targets

Exploit targets:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Automatic
   1   Windows Powershell

Compatible Payloads

This is a list of possible payloads which can be delivered and executed on the target system using the multi/http/git_client_command_exec exploit:

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show payloads

Compatible Payloads

   #  Name                               Disclosure Date  Rank    Check  Description
   -  ----                               ---------------  ----    -----  -----------
   0  payload/cmd/unix/bind_perl                          normal  No     Unix Command Shell, Bind TCP (via Perl)
   1  payload/cmd/unix/bind_perl_ipv6                     normal  No     Unix Command Shell, Bind TCP (via perl) IPv6
   2  payload/cmd/unix/generic                            normal  No     Unix Command, Generic Command Execution
   3  payload/cmd/unix/reverse_bash                       normal  No     Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP (/dev/tcp)
   4  payload/cmd/unix/reverse_perl                       normal  No     Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP (via Perl)
   5  payload/cmd/unix/reverse_perl_ssl                   normal  No     Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP SSL (via perl)

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the multi/http/git_client_command_exec exploit in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 exploit(multi/http/git_client_command_exec) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
   HTTP::chunked         false            no        Enable chunking of HTTP responses via "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
   HTTP::compression     none             no        Enable compression of HTTP responses via content encoding (Accepted: none, gzip, deflate)
   HTTP::header_folding  false            no        Enable folding of HTTP headers
   HTTP::junk_headers    false            no        Enable insertion of random junk HTTP headers
   HTTP::no_cache        false            no        Disallow the browser to cache HTTP content
   HTTP::server_name     Apache           yes       Configures the Server header of all outgoing replies
   TCP::max_send_size    0                no        Maximum tcp segment size.  (0 = disable)
   TCP::send_delay       0                no        Delays inserted before every send.  (0 = disable)

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Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

Must specify at least one GIT and/or MERCURIAL

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Must specify at least one GIT and/or MERCURIAL" error message:

115:	      git: { files: {}, trigger: nil },
116:	      mercurial: { files: {}, trigger: nil }
117:	    }
119:	    unless datastore['GIT'] || datastore['MERCURIAL']
120:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Must specify at least one GIT and/or MERCURIAL')
121:	    end
123:	    setup_git
124:	    setup_mercurial

GIT_URI must start with a /

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "GIT_URI must start with a /" error message:

129:	  def setup_git
130:	    return unless datastore['GIT']
131:	    # URI must start with a /
132:	    unless git_uri && git_uri =~ /^\//
133:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'GIT_URI must start with a /')
134:	    end
135:	    # sanity check the malicious hook:
136:	    if datastore['GIT_HOOK'].blank?
137:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'GIT_HOOK must not be blank')
138:	    end

GIT_HOOK must not be blank

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "GIT_HOOK must not be blank" error message:

132:	    unless git_uri && git_uri =~ /^\//
133:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'GIT_URI must start with a /')
134:	    end
135:	    # sanity check the malicious hook:
136:	    if datastore['GIT_HOOK'].blank?
137:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'GIT_HOOK must not be blank')
138:	    end
140:	    # In .git/hooks/ directory, specially named files are shell scripts that
141:	    # are executed when particular events occur.  For example, if
142:	    # .git/hooks/post-checkout was an executable shell script, a git client

MERCURIAL_URI must start with a /

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "MERCURIAL_URI must start with a /" error message:

207:	  def setup_mercurial
208:	    return unless datastore['MERCURIAL']
209:	    # URI must start with a /
210:	    unless mercurial_uri && mercurial_uri =~ /^\//
211:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'MERCURIAL_URI must start with a /')
212:	    end
213:	    # sanity check the malicious hook
214:	    if datastore['MERCURIAL_HOOK'].blank?
215:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'MERCURIAL_HOOK must not be blank')
216:	    end

MERCURIAL_HOOK must not be blank

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "MERCURIAL_HOOK must not be blank" error message:

210:	    unless mercurial_uri && mercurial_uri =~ /^\//
211:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'MERCURIAL_URI must start with a /')
212:	    end
213:	    # sanity check the malicious hook
214:	    if datastore['MERCURIAL_HOOK'].blank?
215:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'MERCURIAL_HOOK must not be blank')
216:	    end
217:	    # we fake the Mercurial HTTP protocol such that we are compliant as possible but
218:	    # also as simple as possible so that we don't have to support all of the protocol
219:	    # complexities.  Taken from:
220:	    #

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See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:

Related Nessus plugins:


  • Jon Hart <jon_hart[at]>


This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.2.29-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

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